[URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkL1DQYwZhc]Roger[/URL] was actually somewhat surprised that he was able to kill one of the Cruxi troops so easily. It wasn't the kind of surprised that you got when you open the front door to your home and find out that your sister threw you a birthday party that 30 people actually bothered coming to, but the surprise of finding $20 in between your couch cushions while trying to find your phone because you're pretty sure your dad's having a heart attack and you need to get an ambulance over quickly. Still, he managed to do exactly what he was attempting to do, get their attention. And now that he had it, it was time to skedaddle. They only got to fire a couple times before Roger and Yeager were long gone, but the burning sensation on his elbow told him that they had gotten in at least one hit on him. He stopped and turned back around to face the squad again. He wasn't exactly in a "flanking position," but he was still within firing range, and he had allies on their opposite side, so tactically speaking, he did have the edge here. Another thing he noticed was that Magus was still kicking, even if punching was more or less out of the question. He had been pretty sure it was shot down. Perhaps a regroup with him would help the situation a bit more. Roger aimed his machinegun at the Tentacle Beast (hey, it worked before, might as well keep doing it.) and opened fire on it before moving forward to meet up with Daniel. "I've got your back as well," he told him, opening up a private chat there, unsure if his communications were still working. [hr][hr] ATTACK C2, MOVE C1