[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0KFo244.jpg[/img][/center] As Gregory entered the party, he could feel Lil' Greg squirming around in his breast pocket Safe to say, Gregory had been having a rough time since Lil' Greg had shown up. Once the tiny apparition had been happily frolicking around his apartment for a full 24 hours, he started to think that it might be more than a hallucination. This suspicion was confirmed when, while on a trip to his local grocery store, a child who's mother was far too busy on the phone asked him "where he got that cool little toy." Since then, he had accepted that Lil' Greg was somehow real, although exactly how he didn't know, and that other people could see him. He had managed to... "train" Lil' Greg to obey his commands, mainly for the purpose of staying hidden around normal people. Even then, he was constantly nervous that people would find out this new dirty little secret of his. Gregory took his seat quickly, opting for one in the far back. Normally, he would have been socializing, maybe even flirting with the others party guests, but right now he just wanted to get through this as soon as possible to avoid any incidents with Lil' Greg. The only real reason he came to the party was for the PC, as well as the fact that he was almost broke and any free food was welcome. Speaking of which, why was a celebration for the 100th anniversary of the city giving away a high-end PC? Most people were fine with a Macbook that they could google stuff on, the only people needing a PC like that being either gamers or video producers. If the city really wanted an expensive prize, they could have just given away a car or something. Gregory's train of thought was derailed when a black-haired girl sat down next to him, cracking a joke about air conditioning, chuckling to herself. Startled by the forward greeting and still nervous about Lil' Greg, Gregory could only stutter out a response and a little laugh of his own. [color=fff200]"Y-yeah, right? Maybe those gl-global warming deniers are on to s-something.[/color]" God, he sounded dumb. Why should he be nervous? Lil' Greg seemed content enough in his pocket, and any incidents would probably be covered up by the excitement of the party. Regaining his composure, he extended his hand towards the friendly looking girl. [color=fff200]"Hi, name's Gregory, or Greg if you're in a hurry."[/color] Out of the corner of his eye, Gregory noticed a man putting down a small cup in front of him, some sort of punch. It was red like most punches, and had a pleasant aroma wafting off of it. Looked good, but he wasn't quite thirsty. Maybe once he got something to ease his hunger.