Crimson follows the Admiral, taking his seat near the door and looking to him. [color=FireBrick]"Just one more, Admiral. If things go south, standard extraction procedure?"[/color] While waiting on his answer, the black and red clad Ghost reviewed what they knew about this other faction. And it was admittedly nill. Now that he thought about it, Count Dooku was the first real piece of information he'd heard they had. [color=FireBrick][i]Cinder, you've got stronger telepathy than I do. Sense anything on the ship we're going to? How many minds?[/i][/color] He trusted his team, something he'd had to learn to do when the Ghost Program had fallen under the control of the Dominion, and so he'd opened up to them with what his weaknesses as a psionic were. Of course, in response to his weak ability to expand his telepathy, he was taught how to have strong mental defenses. But that was all moot in the given situation, so he focused back to the task at hand.