Aloha, I'm Zekeu! Just remove the 'u' and you have my name. I'd love to say I'm a passionate writer and I enjoy bonding with other people in my roleplays. Making friends with everyone us my goal and I'm diverse in genres. I'm open for straight, lesbians, gay, bisexual and non-binary rp romances but I'm not limited to romance genre. Adventure, action, horror, suspense, drama, super-natural and fantasy are my favourites but sci-fi and slice of life are a-okay! I tend to play male characters or those who identify male but I'm always trying to make improvements upon characterisation of females and those who identify female. Fantasy/adventure is the subject that you can find me writing about the most but I do fandom rps such as Pokemon. I do a lot of role-playing over skype but if you ever want to be friends or rp on guild, shoot me a message. I don't bite too hard! :-)