[center] Christian had not reacted nor had he spoken to anyone while they’d cleaned. Perhaps it was on both of their features for everyone to read, but could anyone blame them? Christian had nothing to do with the group - no ties to keep him in this fight other than Clara. If Clara would go, he would happily walk right out the door behind her. He’d gone successfully throughout the years dodging as much conflict as he could, although this time, he’d had to admit that he would feel guilty leaving. They’d all spent enough time together that his manners alone would drop the heavy weight of guilt on his shoulders. And although Clara’s look was just as troubled as his own, he had a feeling she wouldn’t find herself so quickly outside that door either. Part of him wondered why -- despite the quick spat he’d had with Kieran, he hadn’t seen much of a change between the two, and if anything had happened as far as an apology, or even if he’d given her answers, Christian hadn’t noticed much of a change in Clara either. Half of the time she seemed just as bitter as she always had - so he wondered why she was continuing to torture herself. Once things had been cleaned up, it seemed they all needed to clean themselves up in the aftermath. Someone had been in the kitchen, he’d noticed, as the scent of cooking food had lifted towards his nose. After all of that he could use a good meal, although, his appetite was stunted after waking up to that horrid scene that morning. He’d watched Clara turn away from the group to head upstairs, no doubt to head towards her own room to get cleaned up, and he quickly followed behind her. She allowed it, heading into her room before he quickly bee-lined behind her and shut the door. “...What do you want, Christian?” Her words were quiet and almost exhausted. “Why are we still here, Clara?” Christian began as he ran a hand through his hair before his arms crossed his chest. He still lingered in the doorway, knowing he was walking on eggshells as he approached the topic. “It’s not safe for you here -- And it’s getting worse.” “...Christian. It’s just as safe for me as it is for everyone else.” She reminded him as she looked over her shoulder at him. She’d carefully taken down her hair from the messy bun she’d tossed it in while cleaning, tossing the hair tie aside as she stretched her arms over her head. “It’s a waste of time to try and convince me otherwise.” Christian sighed as he watched her, the frown soon falling on his lips. “What’s the point anymore? I don’t know what more you’re expecting from all of this.” “Leave me alone.” Clara suddenly hissed as she turned on her heel to face him. Her eyes were bright as they narrowed on him and her arms fell at her sides. “You don’t understand-- If you want to go, then leave. No one’s keeping you here, Christian. I certainly am not.” “... I’m not about to leave you -” He began. “I’m not like hi--” “Stop it. Just go, I’m not about to talk about it any further.” She bit out, her hands curling into small fists. “I’ll see you at dinner then.” She’d waved him off then, turning on her heel once more only to disappear behind the closed door of the bathroom, leaving Christian to stare at the door for a moment longer before he’d huffed and left the room just as quick as he came. That girl would never make any sense to him - no matter how many years they’d spent together. He could never understand her motives; her ideas; her plans... He only supposed he would stay at the mansion while she decided to remain -- Someone had to look after her. Meanwhile Clara was flipping him off behind the closed door before she’d decided to undress and slip in the hot shower. She couldn’t blame him, Clara knew that, but he should know better as well. If he really wanted to leave, he really could. There was no use watching after her forever... She could manage on her own... [/center][@Arista]