[h1]Master Mooring's Chambers[/h1] “Well? Speak up, I haven’t the time to waste on shy messengers.” Master Mooring spoke not unkindly. Kiralla cleared her throat, speaking clearly “[color=moccasin]Of course, Master Mooring. We bring good word from the Archmage.[/color]” Mooring’s expression shifted to that of curiosity. “A letter?” “[color=moccasin]Yes, sir. Please know the urgency of this message and replying this evening is utmost importance due to time sensitivity.[/color]” Kiralla said bowing while handing Mooring the rolled parchment. Mooring went about unrolling the parchment his eyes scanning through Kiralla and Gaela’s forged letter. Taking more time to reread the document while the mages stood patiently for Master Mooring to finish reading. Kiralla’s heart raced while watching him reread the document more than once. Was he looking for inconsistencies? Did he spot a mistake? A lump grew in her throat and if she were to speak now there would be no chance of a proper word in edgewise to defend themselves. Surely she must of looked the part of guilty. The infiltration was ruined now that they had failed so horrifically in simple letter forgery- The court mage looked up over the edge of the parchment and very quietly, “Truly?” She blinked registering over the noise in her mind what Master Mooring was confirming. Relief washed over Kiralla, he believed the letter. She nodded not risking a word. “I will need to discuss this with my Lord. Please, excuse me ladies while I take this letter to his attention.” Mooring stood from his seat a twinkle of interest in his eye. “Guards, please escort the messengers to the great hall for a bite to eat and rest from their long journey.” The guard bowed opening the door for the Court Mage, “Yes, sir.” Kiralla shared a look of relief with Gaela. Master Mooring paused in the hallway squinting at something further away. The patter of steel boots against the stone raced up to Mooring. More guards speaking hurriedly ushering for the mage to follow them. Mooring turned quickly to the mages handing them back the letter. “The city is under siege! We will discuss the letter after the keep has been secured please go with Fletcher, he we will find a safe place for you two to hide until the siege is over. Divines help us.” He said rushing off with four more guards assumingly to his Lord’s side. Fletcher pulled on Kiralla’s arm and Kiralla grappled onto Gaela’s hand. Matching pace with Fletcher, she wretched her arm away with a gruff, “[color=moccasin]Do not touch me.[/color]” “Apologies, Ma’am. We really must hurry.” Fletcher said leading them deeper into the castle. Kiralla felt a sickening lump grow in the back of her throat now for different reasons. The sounds of the siege were growing, catching glimpses through the castle windows she stopped in her tracks Gaela nearly running into her fellow mage. Kiralla saw the sails on the horizon while the slam of a ladder nearly scared her out of her skin an argonian raider climbed past them. The guard shouted at them to hurry but his words were cut short by a couple raiders running a sword through his armpit. Kiralla and Gaela let out terrified screams, her legs acting before her mind could register Fletcher’s quick end. Kiralla ran as fast as she could dragging Gaela behind her, the raiders bellowed after the women giving chase. The conjurer readied a spell in her free hand summoning Cindy, her flame atronach. Cindy stepped quickly from her oblivion portal taking long swipes at the raiders the heat stopping them in their tracks. “[color=moccasin]Bar the w-way, Cindy![/color]” Kiralla shouted the command. Flames grew in a deep line in the stone separated the raiders from the fleeing mages. Cindy caught up quickly passing Kiralla taking the lead acting as their guardian. --- Carefully taking their time dodging raiders the best they could. With their wits about them the few they did run into were met with destruction spells from Gaela and Kiralla alike. Clearing the way back to the courtyard. Noting the others had arrived generally in one piece which brought a little relief to her. The sewer team was reeking of shit while Cedric snapped about the town burning to the ground. “[color=moccasin]We-we’re missing a couple. Where is F-Fiona and Faruq?[/color]” On cue Fiona came half stumbling into the courtyard, bleeding. The Bone Knight however was nowhere to be seen. Kiralla and Gaela jogged over to the Imperial taking up her arms. “[color=moccasin]Where is Faruq?[/color]” The way her face pulled painfully Kiralla knew Faruq didn’t make it.