"[b]No no, don't shoot them. Just...keep them busy or something.[/b]" Jacque said with exasperation over his comm before he began to debate whether or not to bring the bottle back out. What happened next was best described as a clusterfuck. From his current location Jacque could just barely hear the chiming of the indicators in the cockpit signaling the arrival of what he assumed may have been another ship. Fearing for a moment that the Decimator had somehow managed to follow them through hyperspace, the Captain set down his glass and made his way to the cockpit, wherein he was treated with the decidedly less than pleasant sight of TIE fighters streaming from another vessel. The human cursed and lunged for the controls with the intent to prepare another jump to hyperspace. He proceeded to curse even louder as he realized that, not only was the ship too low on fuel to do so, but that the other ship seemed to have too strong of a gravitational pull to do so anyway. Unless of course Jacque was willing to rip the [i]Milano[/i] in two and get everyone killed. That left only one option. With the ship's scanners indicating that there was a planet nearby, Jacque swiftly seized the ship's controls and barked a single warning over his calm, "[b]HOLD ON EVERYONE![/b]". Was came next could best be described as a mad dash from the [i]Milano[/i] as it screamed towards the surface of the planet, it's current pilot doing his damnedest to lose his tails. The ride was rough as he broke through the planet's atmosphere, no doubt due to his decision to only slow down enough to avoid having the ship burn and break apart on it's entry. Somewhere behind him he could hear the tinkling of broken glass, though he hardly had the time to deal with it. The TIE fighters had been forced to slow down; that was good. It meant that Jacque had been given a small window of opportunity to figure things out. As the TIEs began their assault anew the human decided his best bet would be offense first. He flipped a nearby switch, activating the ship's lasguns and gritting his teeth together anxiously as they swiveled around and started to fire back. The TIEs for their part where quick to evade, save for three of them. One was destroyed in short order by the barrage of laser fire, another was clipped and sent screaming into a nearby comrade. The gap created by the TIE fighter's desire to not be destroyed allowed Jacque to push forward. An indicator to his right chimed once more and informed Jacque that the remaining pilots were pulling back, '[i]Oh thank the gods[/i]' he thought before letting up on the pressure in his jaw. His would be murderers deterred, Jacque clicked the button on his comm as he began looking for a place to land and recoup, "[b]Everyone alright?[/b]".