[color=00a651][center][h1] Phantom [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://s1.favim.com/mini/150709/anime-art-bishounen-blue-eyes-Favim.com-2928811.jpg[/img] [/hider] Offensive Power: Biological Manipulation (When powers are in effect eyes glow bright green. Right hand is used to destabilize atoms, basically disintegration or to place his signature Curse Tattoo. Left Hand stabilizes atoms causing a fast healing. Cannot switch power from hand to hand. Does not work on anyone with god status and anyone immortal.) Defensive: Invisibility Enhancements: Regeneration, Armored skin. Personality: Before he became Phantom he was a kind, hard working if not slightly criminal, sympathetic man. Now he is cruel, likes to torture physically and mentally, strategic, and slightly a sociopath. Slight history: Before he became Phantom, leader of the Ghost Army, he was Conner Hishamie. older bother to Kyle Hishamie. He worked in the criminal element to support his brother after his father disappeared and mother passed. For a long time it worked for them until one day he crossed a very powerful mobster. He kidnapped him and had him tortured, which cause his hair to turn white from black. Little did he know that Conner hated killing, and he hated his powers. So Conner tried too late to free himself with his powers. When the mobster realized he was a meta, he quickly crippled his powers. That's when he really started to dig into Conner, until his mind was broken and spirit shattered. When Conner woke up after being knocked out from the pain briefly a few days later, he was changed. He was able to slip out of his restraints and free himself of his meta power dampeners. It was a total slaughter. Conner killed everyone in the place they kept him, then went on a rampage killing anyone who got in his way until he killed the mobster who tortured. He did so so quickly and so silently, he earned the nicknamed Phantom, especially since his powers gave off a green glow. When Conner returned to Kyle, he started being a lot stricter with him, for a few years he made Kyle under go strict training, and tried to make him do un speakable things while Phantom gathered an army under his control. After years of trying, Conner left Kyle believeing that as long as he was around Kyle would be too safe and would not learn a thing. Phantom still followed Kyle around, and whenever Kyle became too complacent or relaxed, Phantom would show up, killing his friends and wrecking his home. Abut the time Kyle was fifteen Kyle has found a home in the middle of nowhere and even found a girl to be with. Phantom had lost Kyle for a brief time and found him only by chance. There was an article about small town America and it had a picture of Kyles town, with Kyle barely in the photo. Phantom searched for a time for this town and killed everyone, saving Kules girl last. In his fury he branded Kyle with the tattoo curse, a magic of his own creation. It was what he bound to all his minions. Phantom told him to remove the mark he would have to kill him, or die and turn into his slave. Phantom left a broken Kyle, and returned to his Ghosts HQ. He still followed Kyle and at the current time he now knows he found a new home, A forced home but still home, and even found a women to love. Phantom knew this thanks to a mole in the compound. So now Phantom is on the move, willing to destroy Conspiracy to try to show his brother how weak he is, and in some ways, trying to protect him. [@wick]