[img]http://elvespictures.com/images/gallery/Drow-Cleric-by-Mir-Nye-52.jpg[/img] Appearance: [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/8d0c/f/2015/287/4/0/drow_sorceress_by_goatlord51-d9d4sqw.jpg[/img] Her weapon of choice is a Scythe,... it acts as her only defense when her magic fails. She uses it as a channeling rod for her spells giving them more range and effectiveness. However, it does not give her her magic. She can cast with or without it. The scythe is a charcoal black with a amethyst to the right of its blade. It also has a secondary spike at the other end. Excluding from the outfit in the picture she also wears a cloak to hide her drow features, silver hair and dagger like ears. Name: Vivian Bloodmoon Age: 200 Race: Drow Class: Sorceress Biography: You have likely heard her story before or perhaps you have not. She is a drow elf of the underdark who escaped the cruelty of her mother. Her mother being the matriarch of her house made it ever more dangerous. She did not escape the life she had because she did not enjoy it, actually to be honest she took a liking into destroying her houses enemies with her arcane magic or cursing them into submission. What made her run was when one of her missions failed. Her and three other of her kin went out on a simple raid upon rival house hoping to help rise their own to glory ,but.... they failed. The enemy knew they were coming somehow and they were ambushed. She was the only one to survive and she knew such a failure would not be smiled upon by her mother. The only mercy she would receive was a quick death but she knew better. Her mother would make her suffer like anyone else. Therefore she ran from her house as far as she could until she reached the surface world. She did not stop there though... she kept running as far south as she could to a place where she knew her kin would not chase her. The lands of endless sand. The sun would be too bright for her kin. She didn't like it either but it was the only way she could make sure. Perhaps over time her body will get used to it. That was her only hope.... ------------------------------------------------------- This is a example of what I want to see. Brief details of your character. What they wear and wield and a short biography... but not too short. A paragraph at the least. Do not reveal to much of your characters past. Leave that for character development.