Secret grasped Kayden's arm before they could all split up and go about their business of exterminating the rest of the bandits. He turned on her, his dark hair swaying ever so lightly. "What?" he asked her curtly. "I don't know." She said in all honesty. "That's the problem." Kayden narrowed his brow, looking at her incredulously. "You're going to need to be more specific." "I didn't make it to the otherside of the castle before they caught me. And they seemed to be up to something in there." "Up to-?" The Elf's next words were full of warning. "I know black magic when I smell it, Kayden. Just tread lightly." she said, then pushed him forward. The Captain seemed a bit perturbed by her ominous words, but within a moment, her and the other rogue were gone out the door. "Let's go." Kayden said, leading Morek, Nuva, and Cassilda into the chamber where Cassilda had fought with the men, turning left as the rest went right down the stone halls. They made their way towards the gate, various ruined paintings, some with arrows and knives sticking out of them, lined the walls. Every now and then they would see a torch lit, but it wasn't long until the hallway turned right, leading them toward the gatehouse. Their footfalls were barely audible, but audible still. So they slowed down before they made it to a small and stout wooden door. Kayden placed a finger to his lips to keep them from speaking loudly, and waved his hand down so none would be seen through the small slit at the door that was eye level to the average man. Within, they could hear muttering voices that spoke words that were indecipherable at the moment. [@Austronaut][@BCTheEntity] [hr] The two Knights that had accompanied Silias were rummaging through the jewelry and gold. The trinkets were clanking and bashing as they moved them aside, looking for even greater treasures. The ruckus they caused wouldn't be too loud in a tavern, or a street out in the open. But down here in the depths, their noises and mutterings pierced through the silence, hitting Silias' ears like a hammer would hit a gong. They hadn't seemed to have noticed the huge, gaping hole. For such men weren't used to piles and piles of precious items and trinkets that would make them lords almost as wealthy as Silias himself. "Hahaha, Frederick, after this mission we shall live out our days upon the coast of Praelior, I think!" one Knight said. The other would have heartily agreed, if he was still alive to do so. For the next noise that was made was his corpse hitting the pile of treasures, a black shafted arrow in the back of his neck. It was a lucky shot. That arrow, if it had hit his armor, wouldn't have killed him, and would have perhaps bounced off, for they were clad in iron plate armor. It seems fate this day was as dark as the underground they were in. The remaining Knight gasped, then drew his long sword and hefted his shield. Screeches and scuttles were heard within the impenetrable darkness of the hole, and they were drawing nearer... [@Fubsy]