[center][h3]Jedi Master Greggory Wick[/h3][/center] Master Greggory took in what Savaymin said before Olu stumbled over. The spartan sounded female, and judging from the complete lack of non-humans was probably one herself, though an advanced droid wasn't out of the question. [color=9e0b0f]"I shall assure you now, I am not capable of causing anything so curious, and I doubt that if anyone on the Council could they would have reason to, but regardless. As charming as this hanger is I'm sure there is better locations to speak."[/color] As Wick said that he heard a sharp hiss, and without turning to look at the opening ramp on the cruiser said, [color=9e0b0f]"It would seem my padawan won't be [i]too[/i] long."[/color]