[@Gowi] Hope you like the refurbished CS for Agatha and Charon: [hider=Agatha Smith, The Aged Lioness] [center][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/f072/f/2016/099/9/f/agatha_by_adparis-d9yd5xm.png[/img][/center] [color=teal][center][h2]Agatha Smith[/h2][/center][/color][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img] [color=teal][i]“"Well, better get to working or get to dying. Time ain't with any of us."[/i][/color][/center] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] C A L L S I G N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Charon [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] N C O R I G I N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Denver-Vegas [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] D - O - B[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]05 / 24 / 2619 (58) [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Female [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Standing at 5’6”, Agatha has sharp features and a smile that could cut an NC to ribbons. Hair once flaxen has long since gone gray, which is pulled into a loose bun. Deep set green eyes and a pointed nose. Some people have told her she has the face of a 1st grade Math teacher who takes joy in assigning homework over the weekend. While not a weight lifter, she has a solid frame from years of hard work on the surface. Tends to wear a faded burgundy vest over an oil stained grey jumpsuit. [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Agatha is a restless woman who finds there is no worse fate than finding yourself without purpose. Give’s 110% percent to everything she does, and is a strong proponent of clean living, or as clean as one can get outside the burrows. Carries herself with a wizened air of experience that comes with age, not book smarts. Could be described as desperate in search for a cause, desperate enough to come to Anchorage. Doesn't acknowledge her own bitterness with having settled down and giving up on piloting. Feels like she lost out on something important, but can't besmirch her husbands memory or their daughters to disregard their lives together as unimportant. Her time in New Anchorage preparing for the Ultimatum had reawakened her maternal instincts, prompting her to attach herself to Stein and be empathetic towards Commander Graham who's past relationship, brief as it was, led to amicable interactions. From her years of experience as a mercenary travelling the world, Agatha has met a wide variety of pilots and had spent ample time in her retirement analyzing her past glory to the point she orders people into 'types'. [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] S K I L L S E T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75] [b]Experience:[/b] Unlike the majority of NC pilots who range from the ages of 12 to 24, Agatha has lived a full life inside and out of the NC. Her career sent her all over the world, and in retirement she never stopped operating the Charon, offering up a wealth of experience and comfort operating her Neural Combatant as though it were a second skin. More than that though is the knowledge of how to live without combat, something most of the pilots at New Anchorage lack. Out of the NC, she hasn't been a slouch and allowed her edge to dull too much. Basic fire arms training with D.E.W. hand guns and revolvers, as well as a challenging work out regime, kept her in working order even as she passed the prime of her life. [b]Junkyard Proprietor:[/b] Thirty years of scrambling over heaps of rusted metal and the debris left in her junkyard has given her a knack for navigating obstacles without issue. Her husband taught her how to perform maintenance upon Charon without the need for a mechanic, knowledge that she passed onto her children as well. [b]In Love with the Lifestyle:[/b] Agatha has desperately missed the life of an NC pilot, and understands everything that is required to be apart of it. She follows orders, pushes herself and the others around her, and doesn't possess the naivety that blinds younger pilots to the horrors of their work. Her mothering nature may come into conflict with this at times, but more often then not she is eager to be employed. [b]Mothering Nature:[/b] Agatha gave up her career to commit herself to raising her two daughters, and while they may have gone to live their lives, Agatha can't help but be a mothering sort around young woman. She reaches out to connect with them, as well as finding it easier to empathize with the parents she now works with barring one notable exception. [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Born and raised on the surface, Agatha always knew she was a special snowflake. At the bizarrely typical age of 14, she was found compatible to pilot an NC. Like so many before her she was drawn into piloting a bipedal weapon of mass destruction and had many mercantile adventures as an independent NC operator that aren’t worth recollection. The kinds of adventures that blur together but can often be summed up as, ‘Go to exotic locations, meet interesting people, and kill them’. Throughout her ventures she had a loyal mechanic who would have followed her to hell and back by the name of Albert Smith. He wasn’t particularly handsome or clever, but he was loyal, sweet, and won over her affections through his perseverance. At 27 Agatha was married, by 28 she had a daughter and another on the way. Finding their means of employment too dangerous to foster a family, they decided it was prudent for Agatha to set aside the adventuring for a more sedentary lifestyle. Investing their considerable saving towards setting up shop in a scrapyard, Agatha began a new life as a mother and family woman. For years, that was good enough. All the effort she had put forth piloting her NC was directed towards running the scrapyard and raising her kids. There wasn’t the same rush that came with piloting a multi-ton automaton, but she was satisfied for a time. Then the children grew up, and left the nest to find out their own destinies. To be the special snowflakes that have fantastical opportunities all lined up for the taking if they only go out and claim them. Her husband of 29 years had grown ill and passed peacefully in his sleep. That left Agatha, with a job she didn’t care for and no one relying upon her. Most would have considered this time to retire, settle down and indulge herself before the inevitable end, but she couldn’t. Even with the best years of her life in the past, she knew she had more to give. Firing up the old NC, which had been used as a makeshift crane for the scrapyard, she went out to recapture her lost glory, but found there wasn’t any demand for someone so long out of the game. The only ones as desperate as she was where the good folks down at New Anchorage, and they just so happened to be looking for any pilot that would come their way. [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] T H E M E C H[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75] [hider=Reference Image][center][url=http://imgur.com/vJrsUVH]Charon[/url][/center][/hider] Moderately armored bipedal NC specialized towards ease of movement and relocation. Meant to be a Sniper who repositions with each shot and endeavors to flank an enemy rather than engage from extreme long range at a stationary position. The armor isn't enough for front line combat, but is sufficient to keep Charon active while exposed during relocation. Strategically positioned thrusters were integrated into the Charon frame to allow the NC to launch itself airborne while maintaining a great degree of maneuverability. Prolonged flight is not possibly, though thrusters can negate the force of most falls or collisions. The cockpit features an optimized targeting suite supplemented by a secondary chest mounted array. It contributes in compensating for the force of Charon's airborn maneuvers so Agatha can fire with accuracy befitting her role, and offers a variety of optical viewing modes such as thermal, night vision, infrared, and advanced magnification. Targeting information gathered by Charon is transmitted to other units of the fire team automatically unless disengaged. [indent] [b]PXS-8.0 'Opticor' Super Heavy Laser Rifle:[/b] Charon's primary weapon, a Semi-Automatic laser rifle of considerable firing power. Carries a 12 shot charge before overheating and operates at long to extreme ranges with full efficiency. Being a D.E.W. (Directed Energy Weapon) it is free of the deviation and travel times inherent in ballistic weapons, but has a considerably smaller magazine that must cool down before safe to fire. [b]Right Arm- Tenormin 44LZ 'Revolver':[/b] Stored within the Charon's right arm, the Tenormin is a D.E.W. revolver that packs a excellent stopping power for its size, but it limited to 6 shots before recharging. The original Tenormin design was limited to a single, high powered shot until the revolving power cell was added to the design to create a potent sidearm with a nostalgic flare. Agatha carries a man portable version of this weapon as well. [b]Left Arm- Smoke Mortar:[/b] Stored within the Charon's left arm, the smoke mortar provides concealment for allies and blinds adversaries depending on where it is fired. The Charon's optics can pierce the smoke, allowing it to operate without hindrance. 3 Canisters on board. [/indent] [/color][/indent] [color=teal][sub][ ⛨ ] R E L A T I O N S (Updated as Agatha interacts)[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75] [b]Anastasia “Stein” Kalfox:[/b] Agatha considers Stein to be the Ace among the pilots at New Anchorage, and has since set her as the bench mark for performance that she should aspire to. The young woman's cold personality doesn't dissuade Agatha from reaching and finding common ground in the pursuit of physical perfection. It was apparent to her that Stein lacked a maternal figure in her life, and Agatha is hoping to bridge that gap over time. [b]Comm. Michael Graham:[/b] A former adversary that now serves as her superior. Ironically the first major battle of his career was the last of hers, an incident that amuses the both of them. In her eyes, Graham is a solid commander and a decent father, so she has no issue with the man. He understands the way the world works and isn't afraid to put an ingrate in their place, which Agatha greatly appreciates. [b]Elizabeth Jackspar:[/b] Not much is known about Elizabeth beyond Agatha's own assumptions of her, but Agatha looks on her favorably. The shared experience of raising a child, even if Vera isn't Elizabeth's daughter, is something Agatha thinks they share and commiserates in it. Would be willing to help her with Vera or anything NC related if asked, and is remarkably impressed how well Elizabeth has done on her own so far. [b]Percy Moore:[/b] Can barely look at the man without waning to rearrange his face. Believes he is a spineless coward who's too weak to stand up for his own children. Wouldn't trust him not to miss and shoot her out on sortie, and is amazed he managed to pass the commander's tests. Believes he is the worst parent in all of New Anchorage for the moment. [b]Tahlia Styles:[/b] Likes the Australian for her blunt nature. Her initial exchange with the deceased Pilot Sky, whose attempted coup became the stuff of legend around the water cooler, has left Agatha feeling she can trust Tahlia to get the job done when they sortie. [b]Vera Voloshyna and Ana Moore:[/b] Can't help but be amazed at how brave the two girls are. Has to resist the urge to hug the both of them, and thinks they are good influences on Stein and Elizabeth. Would offer to give them pointers on NC maintenance and operation between sorties now that the testing phase is complete. [/color][/indent] [/hider]