[quote=@Caits] [b]Master Jamie[/b] [@GamerXZ] The sprites enthausism was cute, and Jamie gave a smile, glancing to Alan, [color=f26522]"You need not worry. We will help, until she is back to normal. It might take a while, but we don't give up"[/color] She said, as she started towards the guild hotel, glancing back one last time, to the battle fields, before looking ahead. It didn't take long to get to the guild hotel, Jamie leading them around twisting ways that were clearly a short cut through the city, mainly through the old parts. [color=f26522]"we do have a couple of rooms left in the hotel, if you wish to have one, and we pretty much have a running tab for the food."[/color] She said brightly [/quote] Alan nodded and followed along, now feeling as if they finally had a chance to get some answers. He and Aura kept close and for once, his partner was actually able to contain her excitement...though he felt it was partially cause she just wanted to make a good first impression on the Guild Master. As one might expect though, the moment Jamie mentioned there was a running tab on the food, Aura's eyes seemed to grow so big that they were almost bigger than her head, "R-Really? Oh my gosh, I...I...I must be in paradise!" She then swooned on the spot and drifted down into Alan's arms. Instead of being annoyed though, the wizard-to-be actually chuckled, "Well, I think it's safe to say you just made a friend for life...and yeah, I think we might take you up on that offer. Sleeping outside is nice and all but after a while you start to miss things like hot meals, showers, and a warm bed..."