Appearance: [img][/img] Parum is barely five feet tall and with her robes on, she's almost childlike. However hidden by her unflattering robes, Parum is definitely not childlike; she's a fully grown halfling woman, with a full chest and shapely hips. While she doesn't look strong, and she really isn't, Parum's small and light body grants her great agility and speed not often seen in most halflings. She typically wears clothing that won't restrict her movements, and even her signature robe is mostly for hiding her body; it does very little to impede her even during her more acrobatic movements, and she can tear it off with ease if it does get caught on something. She's often seen with a huge backpack that's at least three times her size, but despite that it's actually a bag of holding, albeit a flawed attempt at one. While it weighs about as much as a a backpack that size would weight (About twenty pounds), it can still hold a nearly infinite amount of space within and she won't feel a thing. It's bigger size also allows her to fit bigger things. Name: Parum Age: 27 Race: Halfling Class: Rogue Biography: Parum was once just an orphan left in the streets. As one may imagine, being orphaned in the streets left very little options for the halfling. She knew no family she had; no mother or father, brothers or sisters, uncles or aunts. She resorted to petty thievery, stealing only what she needed to survive. Food, a bit of drink, sometimes coins to buy a bed in the inn during the winter. But surviving by a hair wasn't something Parum enjoyed. She wanted stability in her life, but she only knew one way how. As Parum grew older, her skills in thievery also grew. She became quite adapt at stealing that she could swipe a sword out of a sheath or coins from a hand. Of course she isn't without failure, but those mistakes only allowed her to hone her agility and speed. Being a little halfling, Parum was also no stranger to being targeted by thugs and miscreants herself. She learned how to fend for herself, even took up a rather exotic weapon to compensate her overall lack of fighting ability. But aside from that, Parum did learn more practical trade skills. Amassing her ill-gotten gains over the years, she eventually was able to buy herself an apprenticeship in a merchant's guild. Much to her surprise, many of her skills growing up were used much more often. While she learned the art of haggling and worked as a locksmith, her deft hands and sharp wit put her into a position where she essentially became a thief for the merchant's guild; stealing back ill-gotten gains from other thieves, companies, or whoever. Parum spent a good bit of her life with the Merchant's Guild, and she doesn't regret a moment of it. Even now she continues to keep good relations with the guild as she strikes out as her own independent merchant, hoping to gather her wares in the deepest of dungeons for great riches. Skills: Parum is a fast fighter and quick thinker. While she lacks the pure strength and toughness to brawl most opponents, she's agile and precise to dodge most attacks and hit the right spots. She's very keen with daggers and can stick them into weak points, even throwing them with deadly accuracy. Her fighting style is dual-wielding, typically two daggers. She uses finesse over force, so she needs light weapons. Parum has keen senses and can often hear, smell, or see others before they can see her, even if they're trying to hide. She can also discern people's motives and practically smell when someone is lying around her. She's very acrobatic and relies on this to dodge danger. Parum can disarm many types of devices and traps, even magical ones, though only with the right set of tools. Lastly, Parum is also good at hiding. Even with her huge bag, you'd be surprised at the places Parum can hide in, even when there's nowhere to hide at. She's the type who can vanish in plain sight without the need of magic. [hr] Appearance: [img][/img] Catarina is often dressed in [url=]full plate armor[/url], and despite it's silly appearance, is nonetheless a masterwork set of armor that actually allows Catarina to tumble and parry blows much easier thanks to it's curvy design. Catarina isn't nearly as thick as her armor would imply, though underneath the leather and metal she is certainly a very well muscular and healthy young woman. She has very few cuts or scars despite her experience in battle, though her hands and feet certainly show callouses of swordsmanship. Outside of her armor Catarina doesn't mind feminine dresses and the like, though she typically wears trousers and tunics since they don't get in the way of her armor, should she need to don it quickly. Catarina does like to keep her hair somewhat long (at least shoulder length), though she wraps it up into a bun when she gets into her armor. She generally eschews make up and jewelry even during casual outings, though she may dress up for formal events. Name: Catarina La'Spada Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Fighter Biography: Catarina is the daughter of a mercenary, her mother being an armorer. Instead of being raised as a "proper" lady as her mother wanted, Catarina was more interested in the romanticized adventure and warfare her father would tell her at bedtime. She grew up learning how to handle the blade instead of courtly things, though she did at least learn how to take care of herself, cooking and living off the land. She joined her father in battle when she was only thirteen years old, at first merely standing by his side and reloading his crossbow, but by the time she was fifteen she took up the sword and killed her first man. It was shocking at first, taking someone's life, but soon she grew to actually like the heat of battle, despite the monumental risk of death and worse. Around the same time Catarina's mother gave brith to a baby boy, her little brother. By the time Catarina was eighteen years old, her father was grievously wounded in a battle and no longer fit to fight. But with the earnings he and Catarina made as mercenaries, they were able to afford a home to settle down in. With a young child to raise, Catarina's mother and father retired as a small smithy to raise the young boy. Catarina however wasn't finished with her life of adventure yet, and set off to earn fame and fortune, making sure to send some of it back home to take care of her mother and father. Skills: Catarina is a trained fighter, specializing in sword-and-shield combat. Where most use longswords, Catarina has been trained to use a Bastard Sword, which is much bigger and weightier than a longsword. But despite it's size, she can use it proficently with one hand. Catarina's personal sword is called [i]Domina[/i], a blessed Mythril Bastard Sword. She also has a heavy spiked shield which she knows how to use well, and often uses both her sword and shield in tandem while in battle. Catarina also is strong enough that she could cleave through multiple foes at once with a single blow. Outside of combat Catarina is fairly athletics, capable of swimming, climbing, and even acrobatics even while in fullplate.