• Name: James A. Martin • Roleplayer Guild User Name: Malmshodes • Age: 21 • Gender: M • Appearance: [img]http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x464/alana553/Anime%20Guy/DarkWorrier.jpg[/img] • Powers: -Shinigami-As a shinigami Jimmy is a spiritual being capable of exerting spiritual energy(Maroon when released), taking much more damage than a normal human is capable of without dying, performing high levels of Kido(offensive and defensive spells), jumping/ standing on the air, and using shunpo(a method for increase speed) Zanpakto-A weapon made out of spiritual energy, whose durability and cutting power increase with focus and the spiritual power behind it. Normally each zanpakto would come with a special ability when released but Jimmy turned in his application in a hurry and forgot about filling it out. So he'll have to work on communicating with the blade in order to unlock its shikai. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/tmnt/images/f/fc/Wakizashi.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141101122235[/img] • Personality: Malmshodes is a typical INFJ personality type. He can socialize and creating strong connections with others comes easy to him, but spending too much time amongst others drains him. For this reason he tends to be really picky with whom he opens up to. Though he's very emotional, and highly susceptable to the emotions of others James does try his best to keep his decisions logical based(but he usually fails.) With his free time he loves reading or walking his dogs. • Backstory: Before being sucked into the Golden god's service James(Jimmy) spent most of his days working part time or staring at a computer screen hoping something good enough to turn into a novel that would launch his writing career would start appearing on the pages. Besides that most of his days were spent wondering around aimlessly, hoping for something to catch his interest.