Spinel accepted the purple gem's hand and pulled herself up. "Thank... you. I'm Spinel." she hesitated slightly in her words, this being the first time she had ever spoken. Her voice was high and wispy, as one might expect. Spinel took note of the red and blue gems arguing, both trying to convince the other young gems that they, meaning the blue or red gem exclusively, were the ones who were really here for the young gems' benefit. Spinel understood what she had to do now, she needed to find out who the true leader was. But how was she going to go about this? She needed to start by asking the right questions. She left her new companion and approached the blue gem who had just been speaking. "Excuse me. You said we need to do what we feel is right? What did you mean by that? I understood everything else you said, but I'm not familiar with that word. What do you mean by 'feel?'"