Eli couldn't help but laugh as he drew his his side arm and held it in front of him. "Bad onion dip." He chuckled to himself. With everything that was going on lately, that wouldn't be a shocking answer. Eli held his side arm in front of him, pointing down down at the ground but more than ready to point and shoot. "I'd kill that fucker if he wasn't so damn funny." "Grab that gun and back away Lover Boy." Eli ordered Vincent. "And don't do anything too stupid with it. Turn off those headlights while you're at it." Eli wasn't taking the chance that they weren't a lone. If the roles were reversed, he'd hold some back in case of something like this. That one thought alone worried Eli, there were two of the group that could fight. The Love Birds were next to useless, Christi and Eric were just kids and they weren't ready for shit like this. If anything happened, it was going to be up to smart ass and and a crazy ass redneck to do the fighting. That was the only advantage to the mine shaft, it was nothing but a large doorway. Funneling both them and any intruders, to a narrow area. "Now, then ya'll got our story, what's yours? And I'll need a good damn reason how ya'll know about this place. Ain't a one around here that would tell you to come up in this holler."Eli watched the girl. There was something... Off about her. The old man was smart enough to get out of truck with both hands out, but girl... Eli couldn't put his finger on it but something bothered him about her. "Christi, get Jack and run along. I'll find you in a little bit." Eli was more worried about her running off than anything. If she took off, there wasn't much he was going to be able to do about it. With Danny and whoever else he was working for out there, she wouldn't last long. Hopefully she was smart enough to know it.