[@Polyphemus] Well I guess to be more accurate I am trying to decide which vote is most in character for him. He would lean towards taking on Tinhead for a couple of reasons. One, the fact that he harbours no ill will towards the champions and he still respects Ulysse and Maeve is one of the few people he had good relations with and he wants the Champions to know that just because they are seperate it does not mean they have to work against one another. Two he has no information on the target Jack wants to pursue and in the video it is clear that regular bullet fire doesn't phase it. He knows that his rounds are higher caliber, but anything he could do The Tortoise would be able to do just as well. On the other hand he would want to follow the rest of the Splinter group because he wouldn't want to send them against an unknown without long range support. There is also the fact that if he was the only one to go after Tinhead they may worry about his allegiance to the splinter group. And finally he knows that the Champions currently possess the strongest two members from when the group was whole.