[@Caits][@hatakekuro][@Lugubrious] [color=1a7b30][h2]Ike Riven[/h2][/color] He just scoffed and smirked at Mercury getting all pissy now too for Ike's retaliation. [color=1a7b30]"Oh yeah, please tell him how its my fault your ass fell down a hole cause of a fatass, not like my objective was just to retrieve the late ones."[/color] He said whether he heard him or not, but he was most certainly not taking the blame for their fuck up. Yet his smirk faded when despair just crushed down on him, causing his eyes to go wide in fear as a black fog blanketed the entire area, it was almost similar to the feeling he had being trapped for so long. Only this feeling just hammered the nail right into his head. Hell he almost lost the rope on accident this time when Enma grabbed it, yet he clutched it and held on as he had "two" feelings on him burning giving him hope to thrive on. His Frenzy Plant mark on his neck, and then his shark tattoo on his arm. He was confused as to why they were both giving him the courage to go on. Once all three got up the rope would vanish and he would face where the chapel was. [color=1a7b30]"So you three want to go destroy whatever the hell is causing this feeling?"[/color] Ike asked with both fear and anger evident in the look of his eyes as he already took off running towards the chapel. [i][color=1a7b30]This feeling... I will not let this feeling keep haunting me! Whatever is causing it is going to die![/color][/i] His eyes would flash as he would start absorbing energy on the way to the Chapel. @Everyone in Belka [color=f26522][h2]Riona Ynnir[/h2][/color] Her giving the report was meet with swift action and new orders, which was obvious to join everyone at the chapel. She nodded and took off running again with the others, panting at first yet Riggs magic was giving her all her energy back which was very much welcomed. Yet as they got closer this dark fog covered the area setting her mind to fear and hopelessness. It reminded her of when she was kicked out of Shark Attack, for a mistake she made. Having to survive on her own as well as knowing if she ever told anyone about them that they would kill her. She knew what some of those guys were capable of and it scares her to this very day. yet this feeling was far worse. She at least had hope then, this however just tosses whatever feeling she had and replaced it with negativity. Yet she wouldn't give up and it had to do with two marks burning brightly on her. Telling her to keep going. Her Frenzy Plant mark and Shark Attack mark, She clutched her chest and bite her lip as she continued marching on. Her eyes flash a black color as she prepared herself for the upcoming fight, praying no one would die during it.