[color=blue][h3][center]Graeden Yourshaw[/center][/h3][/color] "Cute wouldn't be the word I would use," Graeden replied to Maia standing up after finishing cleaning the rest of the egg from Apollyon ",I think beautiful or elegant would match far better even if just born." Apollyon gave what could only described as a purr of her approval for such a description. No words could describe her better in her mind. "I guess you got an ego on you don't you," Graeden gave a laugh to the sound of the dragon patting her on the head ",Something that probably need to be worked upon." Apollyon gave a disapproving look to Graeden to which he gave a small chuckle. She definitely she thought herself a queen merely only minutes after hatching. He could only wonder how that personality would shift during growth. "Ah but where are my own manners. With all the new faces come new introductions. I'm Graeden Yourshaw," he said giving a slight bow in exaggeration ",And the newly hatched dragon I'm paired with is the ever so humble Apollyon. Ouch!" He yelped as Apollyon took a nip at his ear for his teasing. "This is going to becoming a common thing isn't it," he said shifting the conversation back with Apollyon. She gave a huff of hot air at him and looked away but in his mind he heard a pleased laughing sound to which he smiled."Definitely the start of a good partnership... Or would it be friendship? Bondship? Ah well we'll figure that out later."