So, currently I am making a few assumptions in my post, and I want to check and make sure they are correct/okay to make. Blake [sub]([@my Lalia])[/sub] is currently trying to fight one of the creatures, and failing. Sonya is unconcious, presumably due to being hit by the creature that attacked her. At the very least, nobody knows where she is or what exactly happened to her. Nyra [sub]([@GoredGuar])[/sub] is trying to help him fight or is occupied by her own assailant, which doesn't like the fact that she's trying to light up the place, and is also failing. Tarn is escorting Layla out of the hotel for safety. KB [sub]([@Kidd])[/sub] is attempting to follow them, and maybe/not succeeding. Flynn could possibly be under attack for the same reason Nyra might be. Vincent[sub]([@Polaris North])[/sub] is under attack, and Layla is being escorted out. If any of these assumptions are wrong, please correct me. If you would like me to mention them, I will acquiesce. If, however, I am on the right track, then I will finish up my post as is, and everyone can deal with the fact that there are two rooms on fire. So! We good?