[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Luna[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://bethtrissel.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/beautiful-dark-haired-woman.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Luna Childs [b]Alias:[/b] Somnium [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] meta human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5'2, Luna is nevertheless a very present individual. Her hair is quite long, laying to the middle of her back, which she normally wears tied back. She has deep chocolate brown eyes, and a pale complection that suggests she doesn't get out in the sun much. She has a scar along one cheek, faded and clearly old, that she doesn't try to hide. [b]Personality:[/b] Luna is quite a reserved individual, prefering to keep her true self to those she cares about, fearful of getting hurt. When she opens up, she is a bright, funny, kind and caring young woman, who does anything for those she cares about even if its risking her own life. She can seem aloof to those that do not know her, serious and too quite, when she in fact is not. [b]Quirks:[/b] She plays with her hair when she is nervous, or twists her fingers when worried. [b]Likes:[/b] Video games, books, cats and dogs, swimming, and staying home on a night. [b]Fears:[/b] Losing people Snakes. [b]History:[/b] Luna has no idea who her biological parents are. She was adopted when she was merely days old, to a lovely young couple. They raised her, loved her, and were her parents. when she was five, her mother feel ill, and Luna found herself in a turmoil of her fathers grief, and worry, her mothers pain and fear, perhaps the first time she became away that she was a little different. She withdrew into herself, and many people, her teachers, her friends parent's, the staff at the hospital, thought that this was because of her mothers illness, and while this was true, it wasn't the whole story. Her empathic ability was beginning to show, and the emotions she felt were complicated for a young child. As her mothers illness worsened, Luna became more withdrawn, spending hours at a time refusing to leave the hospital room, knowing her mother was close to dying and not wanting to leave. She would spend the time curled up in the bed next to her, and noticed she could ease her mothers pain, and fear. When her mother died, Luna had no tears. Feeling her mother slip away, she felt the pain and fear, the worst of the turmoil fade away, into peaceful abliss, and knew her mother wouldn't want her to cry. Instead, she tried her best to help her father, and day by day, it was a little easier. As she grew older, Luna found that by keeping herself making friends was easier, then feeling their every emotion. She became a bit of a loner, but did have a couple of friends who refused to leave her be. As highschool came, Luna found it a true torment, feeling not only her own confused sexuality, but others. She was always surprised the general highschool population weren't becoming teenage parents, with their lust and desire running rampant. It was about then that she noticed she could manipulate illusions, but she wasn't as adapt at that as she was empathy. Starting college, Luna decided she should use her abilities for good, but didn't know how to do that truly. It took her a couple of years to figure out what she had to do, looking back into the legends of old, she decided to become a hero. trouble was, it wasn't as easy as it sounded. She began to train, even as she studied. Now, even as she begins her heroic journey, she is still learning. [b]Powers:[/b] Luna has two powers that work together: [i]Illusions[/i] Luna can create real life illusions that affect the senses, manipulating a persons reality to change it to what she wants them to see, however this ability is still quite weak, meaning that the illusions can be broken quite easily. [i]empathy[/i] Luna has the ability to feel and manipulate emotions, this is the stronger of her two abilities and one she uses more often. However, this has a weakness as well. Powerful emotions cripple her, and sometimes this ability fails. [b]Strengths:[/b] Luna's true strength dervives from her ability to be quite, even moving she has an ability to be very quite, whether or not this is an unconsious use of her illusionary abilities, it is not yet known. She is a good thinker, thinking things through and trying to figure out the best way of doing something. While she is not a particulary strong fighter, prefering to use her powers, she is a good boxer. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Luna isn't a particularly strong person, her physique making it difficult for her to be truly physically powerfull [b]Skills:[/b] Luna is an exceptionally good photographer, this is in fact what she does for a living. She has a skill to bring a photo to life, making it not just an image, but something that looks truly real. She has a surprisng ability to destroy anything she cooks and as such she doesn't do so. A great boxer A skiller drawer. [b]Rumors:[/b] that, haha, her abilities are all just an illusion. Smoke and mirrors. [/centre]