Tai looked at Max and looked happily impressed as he had some knowledge on one of her all time favourite games. She was a bit of a sucker for role play games. "Yeah...The dying guy." She sighed sadly. "Its such a shame. With all the future tech they have how can they not fix his illness?! It gets me really mad..." she sighed once again. She was quite passionate about this particular game. She blushed slightly as he complimented her smile. She didn't receive many compliments, unless they were coming from her parents. "Can I count my parents? They tell me." she laughed a little. "Thanks." She added a little more shy than she was previously. She soon shook off the feeling as she left the classroom and began leading the way out of the school and down the street, they had about a 10 minute walk to go through. As they walked down the street she kept glancing at Max. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a lovely face?" she asked and giggled a little as she continued to walk. She was certainly enjoying his company thus far. He had been one of the only people to really stay in her company out of his own free will. It was nice. As they drew nearer to the place they were intended for she pointed it out. "Its right there, on that corner, you see it? Have you ever had an Ice Cream Soda before?" She asked grinning. "My favourite has to be... the vanilla in lemon and lime I think. Its quite ...zingy" she paused slightly as she thought of the best descriptive word for it. Once they got outside she opened the door to an almost empty ice cream parlour. "Its perfect when its like this. No screaming kids because they have already been and gone." She grinned happily. "I brought a friend to try out your Ice Cream Sodas Frank!" She smiled, as a greying old man around who looked around his sixties greeted her with a smiled. "Ahhh Taika! It's always lovely to see you! And a friend? You have put a spell on him have you?" he laughed. She shook her head at him and laughed herself. "No, no, he's here of his own free will, I promise." she smiled, which caused the man to chuckle. "So will it be the usual for my favourite witch?" He asked. She nodded "Yes please Frank." She said politely. She usually comes into the parlour every other day so she has had chance to get to know the owner quite well over the years. Frank is someone she generally goes to vent to after school while she cheers up with an Ice Cream Soda. She turned to look at max and ushered him in front of her. "This is Max anyway, he's totally new, so has never had one of your Sodas before!" She exclaimed as she introduced him. Frank gasped "Well then, the first one is on the house for you, son." he said smiling. "Pick any flavour and I'll make you one up in a jiffy." he gave a kind smile as he handed Tai hers.