Is this appropriate, or do you want me to expand on anything? [Hider=Sylph] [b]Name: [/b] Sylph [b]Nickname: [/b] Rarely called Syl [b]Race: [/b] Pixie [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender: Male or Female, really just your sex. [/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Sylph looks almost exactly like she did in her previous life: mischievous face, long brown hair, dark-tanned skin. Her eyes are a typical hazel-brown. There are a few changes, however. The most noticeable is that she's about six inches tall. That is followed directly in magnitude by the wings that sprout from her shoulder blades, long enough to reach her ankles. They're an iridescent rainbow sheen, like dragonfly wings. Whenever they're open, little beads of green light flutter to the ground. There are also a few more subtle changes. For example, her brown hair is shot through with streaks of green, and her eyes are, proportionally speaking, a bit larger. She's extremely slim, with no feminine curves even past the point where she should possess them. [b]Proportionality:[/b] [hider=Proportionality] [b]Weight: 4 lbs[/b] [b]Height: .5 ft.[/b] [b]Frame: Slender[/b][/hider] _______________________ [b]Personality:[/b]- Cheerful to a fault and oblivious to much of what's going on around her, Sylph exemplifies the moniker “ignorance is bliss.” She's practically always happy, and doesn't at all understand the world around her for what it is. For Sylph, everything is gumdrops and ice cream. Even during combat, she seems to not understand what's going on. Perhaps it's willingly staying behind reality, but it's just as likely that she simply isn't smart. [b]Job:[/b] Mercenary [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Sylph has a fighting style rooted in speed. She's small and evasive, so she darts in and out, whittling down her enemy's health until it can't stand up anymore. [b]Weapons from strongest to weakest:[/b] Projected Light Rapier (A rapier with a frictionless, atom-thin blade made of hard light), steel dagger [b]Gadgets:[/b] Leaf Totem - A small (5mm) silver leaf that can expand to form a full-body shield for up to thirty seconds before collapsing to recharge [b]Armors/Outfits[/b] Sylph usually wears a tunic of pastel green fabric finer than any silk, with a brown leather belt and boots with gold buckles. When going into extended warfare, she wears a cuirass and shoulderplates formed of the same ultralight silvery metal that composes the Leaf Totem. [b]Weight Class:[/b] Light [b]Awakening:[/b] Luminar - Sylph’s Projected Light Rapier becomes an enormous two-handed claymore, making her strikes utterly devastating. Somehow the weight remains exactly the same, allowing her to swing this behemoth (to her) blade with impossible speed. [b]Pros[/b]- Sylph is cheerful, always ready with a smile. She's very charismatic, avg people tend to open up to her. [b]Cons[/b]- Sylph is...Well...kinda an idiot. She's not intelligent, and she's very naive. She has difficulty in taking hints. [b]Racial Strengths[/b]- Very fast and dexterous, and can naturally fly. [b]Racial Weaknesses[/b]- Extremely weak, so must rely on precision for damage, and very frail. One good hit and she's down for the count. Her wings are fragile and vulnerable. [b]Background: [/b] Sylph was enrolled by her prestigious parents as a student at a combat training school. She never amounted to much, with subpar abilitiess and a knack for getting into trouble. One day, walking to class about an hour after it started, she found herself being pulled into an alley and beaten into unconsciousness. She never woke up. Until she became a pixie. Since then, she's been fluttering through life without a care.[/hider]