[h2][color=MediumSeaGreen]Terra Branford[/color] - [color=ForestGreen]Hyrule Fields[/color][/h2] Images and sounds flashed over Terra's vision. [i]Kefka laughing, the Empiror observing her progress, Biggs and Wedge marching on Narshe with her by their side. [color=Sienna]"That Slave Crown on her head robs her of all conscious thought. She'll follow orders.[/color] Fifty Magitek Elites lined up before her. [color=MediumOrchid]"Show us your power..."[/color] She'd raised her hand and a wave of fire consumed all of them as they screamed. Her flames left nothing of their bodies behind.[/i] A shot rang out like mighty crash as the dirty at her feet flew into the air. Terra in her rational mind knew it was the same type of sound Scout's gun had made but that part of her was far away. The idea that Biggs and Wedge were alive, that the Empire could reach her even here made the Esper girl see red and when the shot went off she lost control of the fire in her hands. She'd had a Firaga spell prepared and as it burst from her the flames expanded. It exploded at Hildibrand's feet with a sound louder than that of Gaige's weapon. It coated the ground for two meters in front and two the left and right of Terra completely engulfing Hildibrand. The horses were afeared of the flames. They rose up on two legs with a great cry before backing away as fast as possible. Terra looking at what she had caused was frozen for a brief moment before she began to run. This was as bad as when she'd worked for the Empire but at least then she'd had the consolation that it wasn't her fault. That she'd been controlled. What she did here was entirely her own, her own actions, her own choices, her own loss of control. She teleported from view appearing at the entrance to the Ranch. Without time to think she ran as fast as she could towards the castle gates in the distance hoping beyond hope that they would be open. As Terra left the area the link between her and her fire was severed as the flames dissipated all but completely leaving Hildibrand standing there looking slightly singed but no less the worse for wear. He turned to look at Gaige and Scout, a slightly confused expression. [color=B98B3F]"Quite an unusual girl, skilled but in great distress. We shall pursue her yes? It is the duty of every gentleman to give aid to a woman in need. For that is the Manderville way!"[/color] [@Scarifar][@Happy Go Lucky][@ProPro]