[b]Name[/b]: Has went by many names Currently known to the authorities as "Captain Skullface" [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]:Has been Operating since at least the mid 21st century/Believed to be transhuman/Ambiguous, usually uses masculine pronouns [b]Appearance[/b]:[img]http://i.imgur.com/bYcv8Eq.jpg[/img] [b]Occupation[/b]: Space Pirate. [b]Weapons[/b]: Skullface has an impressive collection of weapons, but usually only carries a few at once, his preffered loadout includes. Cyberclaws "Space Sword": a common weapon for Pirates, basically combines a taser with a sword. specially designed to be used in Zero-G Antique Pulse Pistol: a 21st century brazilian police pulse pistol, kept mainly as treasure rather than for combat value, still operational and an effective weapon Grenade launcher: Launches a variety of specialty grenades Reaver Pistol: a flechette pistol, while supposedly safe for use in spaceships, Skullface only uses this weapon outside of starships. Rave Rifle: A highly versatile weapon, Skullfaces weapon of choice it can fire lasers at a variety of frequencies, can be used both lethally and as a distraction. [b]Armor[/b]: Skullfaces body is made of advanced EMP-Hardened Nanomaterials, while lacking the same kind of protection as full on power armor, it can take a lot of punishment. Its also highly maneuverable. [b]Items[/b]:Has been compared to a swiss army knife. [b]Skills[/b]: Parkour Aerospace hardware Software Infosec Cybernetics: (can maintain cyberwear and knows how it works, probably would not be the best person to install it though) First Aid Engineering Zero-Gravity work and combat. Scum networking: Can find friends in the shadier areas of space. Reputation among Scum Zero-G martial arts Laser weapons: Piloting spacecraft:(Isnt like an ace or anything, but can get through an asteroid belt no sweat.) Video games Card Games: (you have to pass the time somehow!) Trading Contraband Sex (so he claims) Drug Use: (he knows how to get really high) Has a decent education and knows how to research shit on the space internet: Fixing broken shit [b]Powers[/b]: His brain is cybernetically enhanced to allow for enhanced thinking, The best of human and Computer thought. is also generally faster and more dextrous than an unaugmented human. Is also very hard to Kill for good. [b]Other[/b]: