[quote=@Spriggs27] I'm interested in this, but I'll just need time to find a hero and or villain to have as my char's parents. [/quote] Take your time. I'm in No position to start today so you have plenty of time! And while there will be stuff happening, it won't be in my first post so you're good! [quote=@Avanhelsing] [@Caits] [hider=Chris ] Name: Chris Kyle Allias: None Gender: Male Age: 18 Parents: Selina Kyle and unknown father. Powers and abilities: None of his skills are close to his mother's but he is getting there. No real super powers ~Acrobatic His mother spent years teaching him to be close to her in skill level. The issue is that he is still a bit clumsy. ~Hand to Hand Combat ~Stealth ~Decent Thief Personality: Jack is usually a nice guy. However he usually is looking out for number one. He is of course a kleptomaniac except he never steals from people who cannot afford to be robbed. This usually means mob bosses and occasionally the rich and powerful. Bio: Jack is definitely his mother's son. It seems that kleptomania is genetic. Jack has been stealing for most of his life. When he was seven, he stole his first thing when he picked the pocket of his teacher. It was then that his mother started to train him. She taught him the different rules that he would need to be a great thief. The first rule was that "there's no honor, no challenge, no fun in stealing from ordinary people". He spent a few years learning the arts needed to steal from criminals. When he was 17, he decided that he wanted to rob from Bruce Wayne. His reason was that he figured that Bruce Wayne could spare the money and a local shelter needed the money more then Mr. Wayne. So he attempted to break into the Wayne Tech Building in Gotham. Someone seemed to have told Batman that he was going to do it since suddenly Chris got caught by Batman. Bruce Wayne gave him the option to either go to Black Gate Penitentiary or to go to the Academy. Chris chose the Academy. Appearance: [hider=Chris] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/c92629a0b684622de8aac93d78931de2/tumblr_nvxvdfhCjj1u47umlo1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] It's fine by me. The funny thing? If he'd just told him about the shelter that needed money, Wayne probably would have given it to him.