[@TheIrishJJ] [color=purple][i] "Yeah. If I wasn't do you think I would be wandering around like a lost pony?" [/i][/color] she asked playfully. She then realized how often she used that phrase. Her aunt had definitely ingrained that into her memory. She then spotted another plaque on a building and changed her path to go read it, not straying more than 10 feet from the boy's side. The plaque read "Potions" and that was a class she had so she stopped and surveyed her surroundings. She had always been better at remembering places by landmarks rather than directions. [color=purple] Crooked tree, crack in the sidewalk that looks like a smiley face. Got it. [/color] She made a mental note to herself then trotted back to the boy's side. [color=purple][i] "Got one. Which buildings are you looking for? Any we've passed so far?" [/i][/color] she asked, hoping to be of help. This was part of the school experience she enjoyed. Finding your classes was always fun, especially when you had someone to do it with. Getting excited, she could feel her smoke building up in her chest and tried to stifle it but she couldn't. She blew some smoke out of her mouth as discretely as she could and hoped he wouldn't notice.