Miki twitched her nose as she heard the two knocks. Guess I’m making friends now...she thought to herself. She slightly rolled her shoulders forward to get the door. She holds her hand over the doorknob as if to think if this is really the best thing to do. She shakes her head and pulls the door open. There before her is another student.. Or she was thinking it was another student. The girl was beautiful, as most of the vampires were but something extra special about this one...She just couldn’t figure out what it was. She flashes a toothy grin “well you know when a vampire bites another vampire and they feed off each other they are to be mated..or was that just on the neck?” she pondered it for a second with a smirk on her face. Miki reaches out a hand “The names Miki Chiba, who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”