[quote=@DFTBA] Cool, thanks for that [@Caits]. Here's my character sheet, resurrected from an old, dead school RP. I've deliberately left the parents vague and said that her abilities are from a more distant ancestor, so I hope that this is acceptable. On the other hand, if anyone with a better knowledge of DC/Marvel has a suggestion for appropriate ancestors, I'd be open to change. [hider=Rebekah Green] [b]Name:[/b] Rebekah Green [b]Allias:[/b] None as yet. She’s not a big fan of nicknames in general. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Parents:[/b] Nobody important (abilities come from a more distant ancestor) [b]Appearance:[/b] Rebekah Green is most often seen around the academy wearing jeans and a t-shirt. It is simple, comfortable, practical clothing, which suits her just fine. She is a smidge above average height, with blue eyes, light skin and mid-length blonde hair she keeps tied back in a pony-tail. She sometimes wonders if her nose isn't a bit too long. [hider=Picture][img]http://oi68.tinypic.com/30lf968.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Rebekah is quiet and reserved in most situations, preferring to listen and observe than to speak. When she does speak, it is usually in direct answer to a problem that needs solving or to suggest an action. She doesn't do well with small-talk and doesn't share her emotions easily, except with those she is closest to and trusts without exception. On the other hand, she will happily go on and on about an interesting idea and enjoys being challenged in this way. She tries to view the world as rationally as possible, and solve problems using logic and reason. She values knowledge and curiosity and holds tightly to the idea that the best superhero is not the one with the strongest power, but the one who knows when and how to apply their abilities to get the best result. Her personality would be an I-N-T-J on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] Rebekah can change the size of objects around her, growing or shrinking them into perfect scale replicas of themselves. The ability cannot be used on living beings. She is also able to teleport to anywhere she can see. Bio: Rebekah comes from a family of non-supers, so far as she can tell. Her great-grandmother might have been where she got the magical genes, but the stories about her are pretty murky and often don't agree. She grew up in New Zealand, in a smallish town near to a national park. Early on in life, she developed a love of books and reading, devouring both fact and fiction alike. A little later on, when she entered her teenage years, she continued with this, though the books gained a rival - the outdoors. Mountain biking, kayaking and walking all held strong appeal for her, leading to a few exciting trips to lakes, mountains and rivers. Rebekah's powers first manifested shortly before her 16th birthday, while walking the last section of the Tongariro crossing. The school group were all tired, hungry, getting damp from the grey mist that had descended over the mountain, and generally ready for the day's exertion to be over. Coming over the last rise and getting a view of the shuttle waiting at the end of the track, Rebekah suddenly disappeared from among the group to find herself standing up against the white van's windows. Shocked at this sudden transition, she jumped, yelled and tripped over backwards. Her fall would have landed her head on a large rock, but it shrunk down to the size of a pebble underneath her, leading to a much more gentle landing. By the time the rest of the group had caught up, it became clear what had happened and Rebekah was outed as a superhuman. After finishing school, Rebekah travelled to Super School, the equivalent institution to the Academy for superhumans from Oceania. The school is hidden away from the rest of the world on a small volcanic island out in the Pacific Ocean. Here, students are grouped into small teams with complementary abilities in order to teach teamwork and cooperation, emphasise that all abilities have a valuable place and, most importantly, give young supers a tight-knit group of friends to belong to and support each other from the start of their training. This turned out really well for Rebekah, and, together with her team, she learned to control her powers and make use of them in a wide variety of situations. She particularly enjoyed lessons from Dr. Arcturus, a self-transmuting super-scientist. Thanks to his tutelage and their own hard work, the team was able to gain third place in Super School's Tournament of Heroes at the end of their first year. Around half way into her second year, Rebekah had a day off from classes and was using the time to explore the wilder parts of the island. The volcano itself hadn't been active for a long time, but past activity had left a large network of tunnels and caves reaching beneath much of the island. On this particular day, Rebekah was well into the cave system when she noticed something she hadn't before: a small gap in the rock, not much wider than her finger. Curiosity piqued, she entered the cave on the other side and followed it down for a long way. As she went, she began to see signs that these caves were not entirely natural - there were signs of human use. The caves ended in a vertical shaft, with a narrow steel ladder set into the bare rock. She followed it down, and found herself in a dim, square room. Set into the far wall was a single stasis tube with a man inside. He had electrodes strapped all over his body, over the remains of an old, torn super suit. Naturally, she freed the trapped man. As he emerged from the tank and began to tear the wires away from his skin, the room's one lightbulb guttered out and arc of lightning leapt from his body, shattering the stasis tube. As more and more of the electrodes fell away, the lightning storm around the man grew stronger, until it seemed he was a living arc of electricity. A bolt jumped towards Rebekah, and she blacked out. The man she had freed was Power Surge, an insane villain who had been captured a century ago, but in order to keep him contained, it had been necessary to continuously draw off the electricity from his body. In order to kill two birds with one stone, the founders of Super School had decided to use him as the power source for their island. Now freed, he blasted his way up and out of the mountain, and began to attack the school, which was reeling from the sudden blackout of all of their equipment. Power surge caused a great deal of destruction before Dr. Arcturus rallied a gang of students to defeat the villain, though the professor was badly wounded in the process. In the wake of all this, Rebekah Green was found to be responsible for unleashing Power Surge upon the school. Since her actions had been very ill-advised but not ultimately malicious, she was spared the usual penalties for freeing a supervillain and causing widespread destruction. Still, many students had been hurt or had property destroyed in the attack, and teenagers are rarely so kind and forgiving. Rebekah was bullied mercilessly in the days after the attack, and for this reason and others it was decided that she would be expelled from Super School for tampering with its power source. She would, however, be afforded the opportunity to apply to a different institution to continue training as a superhero. This led her to a move across the world, and to the Academy of Heroes and Villains, where she will be starting at the beginning of the new year. [b]Other Skills: [/b]Rebekah has some pretty good skills in the outdoors, and has good fitness and endurance to go with them. She is reasonably proficient in self-defence, but unlike some of her fellow students, her talent is nothing special. Where she does excell physically is in her reflexes and reactions, based on her senses which are pretty sharp as well, when she cares to pay attention. Rebekah has always enjoyed school and done well in her non-super education, so she has a solid grounding in a number of subject areas, particularly the sciences. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Rebekah can get hurt just as easily as a normal human being. Her abilities don’t give her any extra toughness, strength, resistances, healing, or anything like that. Her teleportation is only within her line of sight, which limits its usefulness when it’s dark or her vision is otherwise obscured. She can take one other person with her or an equivalent amount of material, but no more. She really beats herself up over the Power Surge incident. It was a big hit to her confidence and she really misses the close friends she made at Super School. She wishes she could play a musical instrument, but has never learned. [b]Other:[/b] Rebekah’s name is Rebekah, and she would prefer it if others didn’t insist on shortening it to Bekky, Bekka, Bex or any other variation they might come up with. It’s a perfectly good name already, and it doesn’t need shortening, thank you very much! This is something of a pet peeve for her. [/hider] [/quote] Yup good by me!