[h3][center][color=f26522]Citrine[/color][/center][/h3] For an indefinite amount of time, the orange Gem fought with herself, pulling her mind this way and that, unable to focus on a single course of action as she ignored the voices outside. Stay and live amongst the stones? Follow the Aquamarine? Fight the Aquamarine? She wasn't sure where the last line came from, but there was this feeling in the corner of her thoughts that told her not to trust the blue gem. The suspicion was unfounded so far, however much it existed within her. It was as if there was something missing, something that would help her understand what she needed to do, but was absent from her psyche. As she pondered her thoughts, the unfamiliar sound of steps upon some sort of glass-like surface met her ears. Before she knew it, a shadow loomed at the entrance to her cave of solitude. When she raised her head to gaze upon their figure, it was no other than the subject of her thoughts, Aquamarine. The Gem quickly scrambled from her place on the ground, greeting her visitor with a simple [color=f26522]"Hello,"[/color] unable to think of anything else at the time before Aqua dropped a proverbial bomb onto her psyche. [color=00aeef] "Are you alright Citrine?"[/color] The now named Citrine froze, as if stuck within time, any follow-up statements lost within a single intake of breath. That was a vital piece of information she had been mulling over for quite sometime. Thankfully, the Aquamarine gave it to her before she had to ask. A tinge of heat flushed her cheeks, as well as a fluttering feeling in her chest. After a few moments, Citrine understood the sensations to be from "embarrassment" [Color=00aeef]"I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. You don't have to stay here all alone. If you'll let me, I just want to help you learn and keep you safe but the choice is yours. I will answer any questions you need."[/color] In response, the orange Gem crossed her arms, tapping her foot on the ground as a frown shown within her features in a startling contrast of confident impatience from the previously seen witlessness of her curled up form. However, unseen under her translucent glasses, her amber orbs shivered with untouched timidity, fear and anticipation within. [color=f26522]"If you're willing, then please explain the purpose of a Ge-[/color] Her sentence would be left unsaid, as a venerable bolt of lightning struck behind Aqua, quickly forming into another gem, abit a greener shade than the cerulean gem they hid behind. Listening to the conversation, she picked out a smidgen of it that seemed important: Homeworld Gems. As Aquamarine absconded from the hole, leaving the green gem behind, Citrine moved to tap their shoulder, only to be surprised by a zap of static electricity and was caused to recoil from the pain.[color=f26522]"Hello ther- Ack! ...Fellow Gem. What did you and Aquamarine mean by, 'Homeworld Gems'? Are they a different species of Gem from us who were born from these rocks?"[/color] Unintentionally, she completely ignored the speeches given by Bloodstone and Aquamarine in favor of hearing Verdelite's response. [@Akayaofthemoon][@EnterTheHero]