[center][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bnFaeUHNTes/VxPGgipcaSI/AAAAAAAACCA/bolbSRlkkGYh_yJhir4O0FPR7fsM-BPvgCLcB/s1600/4087_8af4fda2-a53f-4c67-a33f-85d0fc744b76.jpg[/img] Name: Jaspin Reese Age: 400 (turned at age 25) Songs: [URL=https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=khn287k5VgY]I Hate U, I Love U - Gnash[/URL] [URL=https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=HBeYy8ecjZY]Monster - Skillet[/URL] Background: Jaspin was born in the mid 1300s, to a rather large poor family. His family owned a farm just outside of one of the larger cities, which took almost all of the money that they got from selling their vegetables. Between restocking, paying the taxes for the farm, and fixing the damages done by the rich city kids that had clearly never been taught to respect others. They hardly had enough money to live off of, eating mostly the food they grew. Being the youngest of his brothers, Jaspin usually got the hand me downs and throw aways from his brothers. His mother and father died when he turned 20, and with his brothers all moved on or married, Jaspin was the one left with the sad little farm. However dealing with the land and debt by himself was much harder than he had thought it would be. When someone from the city came to the farm offering a lot of money to buy the land from him he quickly took the offer without even a second thought. The money was more than enough to leave and move to a very small poor village far from town, and the rich little brats that he used to have to deal with before. He fit into the small village very well, the children there were better behaved, and no one really had enough money to look down on each other. He sent the next 5 years living happily there, helping the villagers with anything he could, rather it was fixing houses or chopping down wood to build houses for newcomers.[/center]