[color=plum][h3][center] - Vivii - [/center][/h3][/color] Vivii had watched some of the others hatch their dragons and interact quietly with them. An asian girl had dropped her dragon after it nipped her. She looked easily around and despite the dragons she set down the bird cage she had been carrying thus far and clenched the lock mechanism before opening the door. The black and red birds fluttered easily out of the open door of the cage, they gave a series of pretty sounding chirps that soothed Vivii's nerves. Once they had settled on her shoulders as they normally did she continued further into the room. The little birds had belonged to Vivii for several years, one of the last remaining things she had from her parents. She'd gotten them as small chicks, barely covered adult feathers and the birds knew nothing but being constantly around Vivii. They often flew freely even outside because they never strayed further than a few feet away from her. The little birds snuggled together against the right side of her neck just behind a curtain of messy blonde hair. Moving along the rows of eggs, she was drawn much farther back into the rows than the others had gone. She was midway through the cavern before she turned into a row and wove back up to the far wall. Up against the wall was a spectacularly colored egg, brilliant pearl white with soft pastel undertones and what looked like real gold rimming the edges of the scales of the egg. When she reached the egg her finches cooed softly in her ear at the sight of it. It was enough encouragement for her to kneel next to the egg and reach out and touch it. She watched carefully as the egg began to rock under her touch and then crack. Soon there was a flurry of excitement as some of the human workers ran towards her, one offering her a towel and congratulating her. She was curious as to why they were congratulating her, all of them telling her how lucky she was. It wasn't much longer before a creature, a baby dragon appeared that took her breath away. It was nearly five feet long and almost as tall. It was pearl white, just as the egg had been with blushes of the softest pastel colors when the light hit it much like mother of pearl. Its neck and body were adorned with the same golden substance and the little dragon looked curiously at her before her little birds caught its attention. It took several wobbly but quick steps towards her before she threw up her hand, "[color=plum]No, Laila.[/color]" Vivii had no clue where the name came from but she knew this was the dragon's name. The dragon cocked its head but nodded, gently shaking out her double wings. The ground beneath her shuddered as Dr. Nidhogg made his way down the main aisle to address them, or so she presumed. "[color=peachpuff]It looks like you have been bonded with a very special little dragon Miss Corey. That is the first female Seraph to be hatched in over a century. You are very lucky.[/color]" Vivii's cheeks colored with a bright flush as the large dragon addressed her, his eyes were kind despite the fact he was fierce looking. He looked at the rest of the group, seeing everyone with their dragons. "[color=peachpuff]Since it seems everyone has found their dragons I will show you all to where you will be staying for the duration of your time here. We have a set of apartments that have been cleaned up and readied since you're arrival. If you and your dragons would please follow me.[/color]" He was gone as quickly as he had come and she hurried after him. Laila following some what easily behind her.