Brett Riveria, Assassin and spy. [hider=Brett Riveria. ] [b]Name[/b]: Real name: Brett Riveria Fake names: Dan McGrew, Samuel Forager, Drake Donalds, Francis Frock and Simeon Hals. [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: 40 Earth Years, Human, Male. [b]Appearance[/b]: [img][/img] [b]Occupation[/b]: Thief, spy and an assassin on rare occasions. [b]Weapons[/b]: One functional smoking pipe with a knife hidden in it One bottle of dissoluble poison capsules. One bottle of dissoluble laxative capsules. One bottle of liquid toxin. One silenced pistol and ammunition (Special Occasions) Two miniature grenades (Special Occasions) One syringe that goes well with the toxin bottle. One sniper rifle (Special Occasions) [b]Armor[/b]: Brett doesn't wear armour unless he's disguised as say a guard or as a soldier, he does sometimes rig up shield generators at certain areas in case of difficult or special outings but apart from those he doesn't like how restrictive armour is. [b]Items[/b]: One lock picking toolkit disguised as a cigarette case. One hacking device hidden on the cigarette case. One torch One miniature smoke grenade One pair of binoculars Around the equivalent of £200 of an accepted currency in the area the specific outing takes place in. Forged id cards and what have you that are required for the area the outing occurs in. Sometimes the odd disguise if he knows what staff at a certain outing wear. [b]Skills[/b]:Brett here is a man who knows how to blend into crowds really well, he's a reasonable shot with a pistol and an expert with a sniper rifle and he's a decent chemist which all help with his career... [b]Powers[/b]: He isn't a big fan of the abominations, at least they are abominations to Brett, let alone one of them or even a user of their horrific arts. [b]Other[/b]: He is considered a very refined individual, he has an honest preference to learning about cultures and civilizations with even going as far as spending time in both the Alliance and the Federation's territories to gain a more accurate perspective on what they both offer to everyone from an aristocratic nobleman of both to a homeless addict... He only pretends to abuse substances, Brett never touches anything addictive excluding alcohol from time to time and in limited amounts, not having armour's enough of a risk. [/hider]