[@FrozenPhoenix][@TheWizardLizard] [color=9e0b0f][center] [h1] Niddhogg, The Blackscale Tyrant [/h1] [/center] [/color] [center][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/276/e/5/angel_knight_by_nosaj7541-d81fe9q.jpg[/img][/center] Few of these associatiates caught the dragon's attention, aside from one who spoke to him directly [quote=@FrozenPhoenix] [color=red]"I don't know what you are, but I want one. Actually... fuck it, I want like three. I don't mean any offense. Just... I must have one of you in my collection of soldiers."[/color] [/quote] Niddhogg stared at the stranger, his single eye glowing like beams of a crimson crosshair from beneath the helmet, parting some darkness away from his concealed face, the dragon could see right away the demonic aura that followed him, as if the man was the very essence of war and hellfire. Even seeing this though, the dragon's pride was not so much as impressed, rather it was more of acknowledgement that at best the demon could be near his strength. However the fact that the demon could reckognize his greatness, and desired his servitude, gave some flattery to the dragon. [color=9e0b0f]"Your words please me, however suffice to say that I am no one's tool."[/color] The dragon spoke calmly and matter-of-fact like, though in a way of tone were it would be almost as if he was spreading 'great' wisdom to a child. [color=9e0b0f]"Unfortunately, there is [i]only[/i] one of me, I made sure of it."[/color] Niddhogg emphasized one as if to make a crucial point, either that he had slain his equals or that he is far too unique for a second. The conversation changed when the very entity that orchestrated this little 'get together' appeared in a sudden display of his godhoodly powers. As he began speaking, he began to understand more of his father's motives. His eye narrowed, questioning this philosophy. He dared not interrupt his speech, but the though ran through his head. What happens when we live in a world where there is no 'good', Our sins will have us turn on each other. He remembered the very day that his father was defeated, he was there, of course, he was born even before that war, though that was also the last day he served the very god that created him until perhaps now. his thoughts were broken when the God spoke to him. [quote=@TheWizardLizard] [color=003471][center][h1]Kil'threx, God of Evil[/h1][/center][/color] "My mighty son, the breaker of kingdoms and devourer of heroes, who has carved his kingdom from fire and mayhem. I can offer you more. All the glinting treasures of heaven and earth, the power to take and to rule and to dominate this land. Take the offer. Become my Harbinger of Dominion, and I will make you a force that none could oppose." [/quote] His choice of words seemed to have been very carefully crafted to dig right into the dragon's pride and stroke his ego. The prized son of the god so was suggested, any oppositions he had to the idea faded. The god promised power and riches, riches beyond the mortal world and power that supposedly none could rival. It was an upgrade to the say least, and could be perhaps the very goal he wishes to achieve. And besides, if this little plan his father had was successful, there would be few gods to compete with anyway. This little 'team' needed the legendary power of a great and ancient dragon, one blessed by evil. [i]Harbinger of Dominion[/i], yes, he would deliver his destruction and ire upon the light, and those that stand by it As the God moved to each individual, the dragon started to think back to his original question to this little orchestrated event. What will happen indeed, if these creatures of darkness have no light to challenge them and their sin. The balance would crumble and soon they will turn onto each other to satisfy their own personal sins. At least, that is what the dragon thought for a prediction. He did not share this idea, instead he had a solution. When that happens, He will be sure that none will oppose him. He started to plan ahead, particularly towards his fellow Harbingers, and study them closer. For now little information could be harvested other then the god's speech for the moment. But of course, there was plenty of time to prepare for this situation that takes place after they destroy all that is light and reshape the world as their father wants it.