Nevar watched as Nemo disappeared leaving a distortion in his wake. Using manalysis he could feel Nemo reappear right behind him. Nevar shouted, [color=8882be]"TOO SLOW!"[/color] And then Nevar used another saltāre to jump to the rune in the middle of the arena, just ten feet behind Nemo. Then, rushing with his rapier he made one quick vertical slash, going from bottom to top, at Nemo's back. He had planned for a full onslaught of 3 slashes that would form an N on Nemo's back. [hr] [color=f49ac2]"GO POLYFF! SAVE MY BROTHER!"[/color] the white haired girl cried out. The large beast, slightly taller than Raiya, bounded down the arena at her. Still in her defensive stance, Raiya shouted, [color=ec008c]"ARC MAGNUS!"[/color] Then, flicked her left wrist. A massive lightning bolt blasted forth from a purple magic circle that appeared in front of her hand. The bolt struck the wolf, which caused him to fly ten feet backwards as fast as it was running, striking the floor a few times before rolling and then skidding to a halt next to Dawn. The wolf whimpered before evaporating into white flame. Dawn saw this, and her eyes began to glow a pure white, her uncontrollable rage unleashed the torrent of her aura's pressure, which Raiya marveled at. [color=ed145b][i]She has more potential than I did at her age. But it won't be enough to save her.[/i][/color] Raiya extended her right hand and clutched the air before her, her odachi materializing in her grip with a burst of electricity. Then Raiya heard the angry, frantic recital of a incantation. [color=f49ac2]"O SEERESS OF THE DARK, AND ENCHANTRESS OF LIGHT! YOU WHO BROUGHT ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF MANY SO LONG AGO, BUT ALSO BROUGHT THEM SALVATION IN THE SAME MOMENT! YOU WHO RESIDE ONLY WITHIN THE VEIL BETWEEN REALITIES, WHERE TIME EXISTS NOT! YOU WHO HAD FALLEN FROM HEAVEN, AND NOW ARE BOUND IN SERVITUDE TO ME!"[/color] Dawn forced her right arm outwards, extending her hand. [color=f49ac2]"COME FORTH NOW AND FULFILL MY JUDGEMENT! AMBRIEL!"[/color] As soon as Dawn had finished her incantation, a large complex series of magic circles spiraled in the air outwards from in front of her hand. Then, as the complex circles came to a halt, a massive surge of mana came forth, as a blinding light illuminated the area. Raiya had to look away until the light subsided. Then, floating a few feet off the ground in front of Dawn, was a eight foot tall woman, with long blonde hair, in white robes with purple hems. In her hand was a large golden broadsword with a blade that was consumed in black fire. Her eyes were closed until she slowly descended to the ground. As soon as her feet came in contact with the ground, her eyes opened. Her eyes were fully black, and had a sense of dread held within them. The presence of this fallen angel was enough to instill absolute dread on those within its presense. The dread was enough to make Raiya go insane if she had given in, but instead she readied an attack. She knew from the little knowledge she had on summoners that if she were to kill the summoner, the summon would disappear. So, she readied her biri biri no sokudo and took an offensive stance.