[hider=Nura Volkov] [b]Name:[/b] Nura Volkov [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Nationality:[/b] Vacuuan with Atlesian father. [b]Appearance:[/b] With a height slightly taller than the norm, most of Nura’s physical features are a gift from her father. The light skin and blue eyes, point towards her Atlesian background more than her Vacuuan mother. If she was a betting woman, Nura might propose that this biological reason for why she hates the heat. However a bet like that would be highly illogical. Beneath her clothing lies the toned, lean muscles of a natural borne combatant. It is the physique one will often see on a runner for, unlike many of her peers, Nura is rarely reliant on gifts of her aura or weapons. She has put a large amount of time into training her physical body. This trained body is complemented by long flowing blonde hair that appears to fall around face in an almost haphazard manner. Generally she keeps the hair tied up in a neat ponytail, letting it fall straight down only on rare occasions. Occasions she will no doubt complain about. However Nura’s most striking feature is no doubt the perpetual scowl that lines her face. In contrast to the spectrum of apathy to amiability that adorns the rest of her team, Nura always looks perpetually displeased with the events occurring around her. In terms of her clothing, Nura favours the simplistic approach, wearing the black outfit provided by [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i], and only rarely adding in simple additions like a brown jacket. Practicality, simplicity and ease of movement are the determining qualities for whatever clothes Nura wears. Putting time and effort into her clothing is obviously not something that logically deserves her attention. Oh and that skull hair clip? She’s just wearing it because her sister told her to. It’s not like she likes it or anything. [hider=Nura Volkov][img]http://i.imgur.com/DYdmYVA.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality and Ethics:[/b] Guarded is perhaps the best word to describe Nura. It is by far her defining trait, a tendency to never let anyone get close. For this reason she typically comes off as extremely aloof, even when compared to the tundras on her team. As a result she tends to work alone, silently accomplishing whatever task has been put in front of her. That’s not to say she’s averse to working with the rest of her team, on the contrary she knows quite well how capable her teammates are. However despite all this, Nura still tends to only engage in team based exercises when she finds it to be the most logical approach. Of course this does create a flipsite where any illogical actions are quick to acquire her ire. And Nura’s wrath will cause even the hardiest of warriors to shake in their boots. Thus it’s a good thing that Nura abides so closely to logic, for while she may snap out at people, it’s rather difficult to acquire the full force of her anger. Instead it tends to come out in small bursts and biting remarks at people that commit logical fallacies or are just idiots in general. Being a moron after all is just asking to endanger one’s comrades. Not that she necessarily cares about everyone else’s well being. She’s just annoyed that you could be so selfish is all. Ahem. Regardless of Nura’s tendency towards harsh comments at others for their mistakes, she’s probably harshest towards herself. A competitive streak and drive to excel tends to make Nura push herself to great extremes. Thus whenever she does fail or even falter in the smallest mistake, she tends to mentally berate herself for quite a while. That said she also tends to channel this frustration at her own failings in productive exercises of training. Suffice to say, that’s not necessarily the smartest exercise for her mental well being. This tendency for self beration even applies to her social failings, but only because she doesn’t want to create misunderstandings that could aversely affect the performance of others. Underneath this cold and harsh exterior, Nura likely does care deeply for others. A fact her annoying, nagging older sister delights in pointing out and a fact Nura vehemently rejects. Indeed, despite her exterior, compliments and praise can often make Nura flustered. Or end with a gun pointed in your face. It’s 50-50 with her. Point is, Nura doesn’t like praise. She much prefers to silently take care of the job with minimal interference from outside parties. Not to mention she has a very difficult time showing concern or worry for anyone. She’s often a lone wolf precisely because she finds dealing with people and their illogical emotions to drive her up a wall and commit logical fallacies herself. People are a confusing, illogical bunch prone to spreading their fallacies to others after all. Not that she’ll ever admit anything like that. After all, what does she care what morons do, as long as no one else is hurt by their selfishness. Idiots. [b]Aspiration:[/b] [list][*]Beating her sister [*]Finding a way to be left alone [*]Excelling [*][s]Leaving Brennan in a ditch[/s][/list] [b]Fears:[/b] [list][*]Losing to her sister (Note: She’s never won) [*]Being illogical (Note: Happens more often than she cares to admit) [*]Umeko being tortured by her boy toy (Note: Too late)[/list] [b]History:[/b] As the daughter of an Atlesian emigrant and a Vacuuan native, Nura was always bound to have a unique life. Her father was an Atlesian citizen involved with a less than noble brotherhood. But family is family, and her father deeply cared for his family, regardless of all the misgivings they caused. Her mother on the other hand was a Vacuuan huntress sent to weaken said family. To say they were a match made in heaven would be to utter a great fallacy. Still, somehow life had a way of happening. In term of the details of the events that transpired, Nura is unaware, her father keeps mumbling something about how she’ll know when she’s older. This is of course made more frustrating by the fact that her older sister does know but refuses to tell her. A rather illogical stream of reasoning, but Nura is forced to put it up with. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Nura’s father eventually moved to Vacuo and married Nura’s mother. They have remained in Vacuo since, and that was where Nura and her sister were born. Nura’s early childhood passed rather uneventfully, a simple life of chores, schooling and a hatred for the heat. The last one was particularly unfortunate for someone living in the desert, it appeared she took a bit too much from her East Atlesian father. Every now and then though, her mother or father relented and taught Nura and her sister how to fight. While neither parent wished for their children to enter such a life of violence, the huntress blood flowing through their veins drew the two eager youths to their mother’s work. Thus her parents reasoned that if the two children were going to throw themselves headfirst anyway, it would be wise to provide them with the proper training to succeed. For Nura becoming a huntress was the logical route from the beginning. Thanks to her unique background, she possessed a multitude of resources in the form of her parents that few others had. As far as Nura was concerned pursuing any other potential career was simply a waste of the abundance she had been granted. Coincidently, Nura’s sister had also decided to become a huntress and often set standards Nura sought to excel. She definitely wasn’t competing with her or anything. Upon graduation from combat school, Nura’s parents gave her gifts in the form of her new weapons. Weapons Nura put to good use at Shade Academy, just ask any of her teammates or unfortunate sparring partners. That said, while she’ll never admit it, she did find a decent group of people in team Tsunami. Well at the very least they were competent. Alongside her Tsunami teammates, Teàrlag Cirsium, Silver Never, and Umeko Kawaguchi, Nura found herself at the Vytal festival. Despite the contradictory and often explosive personalities of her team, they were able to proceed to the finals of the tournament. Unfortunately Nura wasn’t able to watch Umeko defeat Brennan at the festival due to being in the hospital as a result of the doubles round. Still, despite the official record, Nura has enough faith in her teammate to be absolutely certain she triumphed over the idiot from Atlas. Afterwards Nura’s education continued as normal, often traveling with her teammates to the other school’s for exchange programs and other unique Hunter opportunities. Still, nothing else was quite as invigorating as the festival, even as the team had the opportunity to face stronger and fiercer Grimm. So it was that upon graduation, Nura was left with a few options of where she should pursue her new career. Vacuo was off the table due to her sister’s nagging presence, while Atlas was filled with far too many of her father’s former “associates.” With Mistral being far too humid for the young girl, Vale was left as the only real option. Unfortunately for her, both Umeko and her boy toy (and his tagalong stray) felt Vale was the perfect place to begin their careers. Thus Nura was stuck as both a chaperone and a Huntress. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Limit Over[/i] - Nura’s semblance allows her to excite dust and dust infused items through physical contact. Simply put a few seconds after intentional contact the dust will destabilize and enter state of overexcitation before fizzling out. In a sense Nura is accelerating the natural clock of the dust causing it to exhaust all of its available energy in a single brief moment. For instance, using her semblance on fire dust will cause it to rapidly combust out of control in a brief inferno. Ice dust on the other hand will completely freeze over, while earth dust will explode in shards of rock. When dealing with something like dust infused weapons, while the weapon itself is not destroyed, it will be rather difficult to control for the five seconds or so the dust is over excited and then left deprived of any special abilities derived from the dust. [b]Combat Style:[/b] Nura can diligently serve a role as any team’s close quarters specialist. She is very much an up close, “in your face” kind of fighter. Whether with her knives or just simply her fists, Nura likes to deliver quick and powerful blows, something made even easier thanks to [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i]. Her semblance and weaponry also makes her quite adept at disrupting the enemy. Simply put at close range Nura employs a style that can quickly become overwhelming for any single enemy. While this effect is lessened with multiple targets, Nura’s speed and agility means that she can still keep them busy as she allows others to finish them off. If no one else is around, she can probably still take out a large group of opponents, it’ll just take a little more time. Longer ranges do limit Nura mostly to using her pistols for suppressing fire or finding more creative ways of attacking. However one way she’s found to supplement this deficiency is by carrying vials of dust she can ignite with her semblance. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i] - Nura’s primary weapon is rather unique. Rather than the typical armament of Hunter guns and swords, Nura’s weapon takes the form of the very clothing she wears. Normal existing as loose fitting pants, her black tank top and her gloves, with a simple voice command it enter its battle mode as a black body suit that covers everything but her head. Her gloves however remain fingerless to allow for greater dexterity and proper use of her semblance. The clothing is dust infused and boosts her speed by a slight but noticeable amount. She won’t be darting around with superspeed by any means, but she’ll definitely be able to keep up or outspeed just about anyone without such superpowers. Dust infusion is achieved based on whatever dust element the clothes last came in contact with. Obviously Nura can trigger this herself, but the suit is also capable of absorbing dust attacks launched at it. However while it is able to absorb the elements, the physical attacks will still hurt her. For instance while she might absorb the fire of a fire dust infused bullet, she will still experience the pain and effects of being hit by a bullet. However the true power of [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i] comes in its ability to emit seismic waves infused with the properties of whatever dust has been infused into the suit. These waves are triggered by physical contact and will emit from the point of contact. For instance launching a punch at an opponent can trigger waves of flame to emit from the contact point, or stomping on the ground to send a shockwave of ice. Nura can control whether or not these waves are emitted. Obviously these waves cause quite a bit of vibration on the target, capable of easily shattering things like ice and glass. Stronger strikes are even capable of shattering stones. The strength of the waves is proportional to the strength of contact. [i]Glazdrakona[/i] and [i]Rozhdeniye[/i] - Nura’s secondary weapons are nowhere near as elaborate as her primary. Instead they are a pair of simple dust powered pistols, hailing from her father’s days in the East Atlesian Bratva. Design wise they look akin to the MP-443 Grach Yarygin Pistol, with a black color scheme and a Bratva symbol etched into the hilt. In addition these pistols are capable of transforming into simple combat knives. Other than that there isn’t much special about these pistols. [b]Non-Combat skills:[/b] [list][*]Surprisingly, Nura is a decent chef. [*]Unsurprisingly, Nura is an excellent runner and climber. [*][s]She’s a monster.[/s] [/list] [b]Deficiencies:[/b] Let’s just say she isn’t much of a people person. In fact, Nura is remarkable for her odd misunderstandings of the world. Things others may find to be obvious facts might strike Nura as an odd and peculiar tidbit. Abiding so closely to logic, and being so focused on her training, has left Nura a little naive to the workings of the real world. Society is the one thing that Nura truly fails to understand at times. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [list][*]Nura carries multiple vials of dust with her for combat purposes. [*]Training has left her ambidextrous. [*]She’ll never admit it, but her sister is by far the better fighter. [*]Rumours exist that she has soft side around her family, said rumours have never been corroborated. [/list] [/hider] [@Krayzikk] should be along with his character by tomorrow at the latest.