Laura backed away from Ren, as did most others as a black mist enveloped his very being, pulling him into nothingness. "What the hell?" Ralph called out, rushing towards Ren's decaying body. "Ren? Ren!" He shouted, attempting to stop his friend from fading. But before he got close, a dark figure appeared out of a puff of black smoke, and stabbed its right hand, coated in sleek black energy, through his chest. As the smoke settled more, it revealed a woman's figure with darkened black skin, hair, and a pair of hollow eyes rested within an earthly mask that covered her already obscured face. She backed away from Ralph, and left him to fall to his death, disappearing again, along with Ren's entire body. Within moments, Ren had vanished, and nobody knew where he had gone. [hr] [center][h1]~ End Of Chapter 1 ~[/h1][/center]