I'm The Dag and I come from another world. One of the moons of [url=https://youtu.be/oqGJ7I75aTE]Glamton[/url] to be more percise. Now, in this intro I'm also testing out my old knowledge of bbcodes, so let's just roll slow. I've RPed for many years, but I've taken a break recently. I first started sometime around 2004, then about three years ago I started playing table top role playing games and took a hiatus from forum role playing. But I found this site and I [i]longed[/i] for some good old RPing again. So here I am! I mostly do original role plays, but there are a select few fandoms that I have done and will do again as well as a couple of new ones I'd like to try. After I'm done here I'm going to scoot over to the character sheets to put up my only original character I have at the moment. Looking forward to role playing. 💜💖💚