[b]Name:[/b] Sergei Vasili Kravchenko [b]Nickname:[/b] Reznov [b]Age:[/b] 50 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Russian [hider=Appearance] [img]http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/cox-570x379.jpg[/img] [b]Detailed Appearance:[/b] [list][*][b]Basic Traits:[/b] Sergei stands at a rather taunt 6'0" in height with a thicker build but he is not in any way fat. Beneath the aged exterior Sergei still has a good amount of muscle, alas he is no longer as fit as he would like to be but he is a healthy tone for his age and that suits him fine. His appearance shows much of the years he has lived and in a lot of cases he looks like a cheerful yet mysterious older man. His hair which was once a brilliant darker brown is now showing advanced signs of graying with the original color hanging on by a thread. Sergei almost has always had a beard which was thicker in olden days but now turning salt and pepper colored and starting to fray a bit. His face is rather weathered with age, his once vibrant dark blue eye's now drowned by the lines of experience, his nose out of shape due to numerous breaks. [*][b]Tattoos:[/b] Sergei was never much one for tattoos but upon his body he does have a few which bare deep meaning to him. The first of these tattoos covers the entirety of his upper left arm depicts two heavily detailed yet fading now doves which are flying in two different directions. Between the doves is a detailed Celtic style cross, surrounding the birds and the cross above and below are two banner like ribbons. The top reads Резкий рост от боли бесплатно (Soaring free from your pain) and the bottom ribbon reads Никогда не слишком далеко от моего сердца (never too far from my heart). His second tattoo which is located on his right forearm is of a variation of the Russian symbol which is a scythe and a hammer circled around a central sword in the center with ribbons going up each side. Written on the left side ribbon is Спецназ (Spetznaz) written on the right ribbon is лояльность (Loyalty) in the center of the ribbons on the bottom in which the sword stick into is КГБ (KGB). His last tattoo is on his back starting from the base of his neck it goes halfway down his back in size, the tattoo is of a sword shaped like a cross with a heavily detailed eagle clutching to the top of the cross with its talons, its wings outstretched going from the center of the back and towards the sides. Below the cross written in an oval like pattern is Смерть не будет определять меня (death will not define me). [*][b]Scars:[/b] Sergei is no stranger too scars most of them being either bullet marks or knife wounds he has quite a fair few scars upon his body. The most recognizable would be the scars which he bares upon his chest to the upper right and his lower back. The scar marks on his upper chest are seven 9mm caliber shots each specifically placed shots two being on top three in a line below the first two shots and two place shots just below the first three. Each shot while painful were not lethal however they left nasty remaining scars. The second notable scar on his lower back was from a large knife which was thrust into his back, the markings are two separate lines one each side of where he spine would be, leaving the spine intact but damaging the area around each side. They healed rather horridly and are quite noticeable if her finds himself shirtless. The rest of his body has nicks and smaller scars but nothing so noticeable. [*][b]Clothing:[/b] Sergei is known for sporting a unique styled suit which he had tailor made for him. It is a dark shade of purple made with a firm yet durable material. All the hems are made of black materials along with his shirt and tie being of the same black material, he often has a black scarf around his shoulders along with a pair of leather black dress shoes. He often wears a golden watch on his right hand and a pair of darkened sunglasses over his eye's. He does not wear earrings of any sort and is most times found sporting a black fedora hat which is made of a fine black leather with a ribbon of fabric sown around the base of the hat above the hem. [/list][/hider] [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] Sergei is a rather solid individual, rather angry in his youth he has evened out in his age and has the benefit of the wisdom which comes with those years. With an unyielding loyalty to the things in which he believes in Sergei stands by a basis of morals which he never breaks. Never one to be stiff Sergei is a rather enjoyable man to be around, he is talkative and does not mind sharing a drink with strangers if the company is pleasant. Never one to miss a good joke Sergei is intent on enjoying the remainder of his life in peaceful bliss. Content with the fact that he will eventually die Sergei does not fear his own mortality and this often makes him a strong individual, he will not hesitate to help a comrade in danger and be that helping hand in the end when it is needed most. But as all men do Sergei is filled with certain regrets of a life long lived, these regrets often tend to drive him into a rather depressive state, and often leads to memories which are rather painful to him and this can easily lead him to be angry and withdrawn. No matter how much wisdom he has amassed he can never get past the things in which he does not understand and this can be frustrating to him on many levels. Coming from and older world and the life in which he lived Sergei is stuck in the old ways and this can often conflict with today's society. Before mentioned he lives by sets of morals which compass him through life and oft times these morals are often looked over by others and disrespected and Sergei is not one who is to be disrespected. While he has left most of his anger in the past he is not completely void of it and he has no problem putting a bullet in one who has not a shred of decency towards him and this can make him a rather loose cannon in some cases. He wants the respect he feels he has earned and he wants people to believe his morals an not their own and this can make him a rather immovable object. While he holds tight to himself he is not close minded, but he has no problem speaking his mind when he is threatened and will not hesitate to sway people to his way of thinking if he is able to do so. Sergei is now in his later life religious, while he is not a religious freak he is quite up to date with the religion in which he believes. He does not trick himself into believing that he can right the wrongs he had done, but his religious beliefs often conflict with the man he is and the man he had to be in the past. You will never catch him quoting some type of scripture but often times you will see him praying in solitude. He uses religion as an attempt to atone for his life style. Sergei in his entirety is an old book in a libarary full of computerized books, he is stubborn and often struggles to adapt to a technological world he does not understand. This can be a blessing and a curse. [b]Character background:[/b] Sergei or Reznov as he is often called by those who know him was born in Moscow, Russia to a rather rich and well connected family. His mother whom he never knew died during pregnancy complications and his father although a loving man was a rather hard man to live with. Sergei grew up in the strictest of environments where discipline was everything and knowledge was the key in which you could live a vast and great life. From the moment he could walk and talk Sergei was privately tutored by the smartest of teachers in his father expansive compound. Sergei barely knew the outside world, he was many times constricted to the house in which he lived and was never aware of the things that went on around him. This being the case he also grew up very alone and had no friends and a father who always seemed to be away working. For the first many years of his life Sergei was shut away from the world and found himself looking at the window wishing he could be free. The freedom however that Sergei so desired came to him sooner then he would of wished and it was in the form of a specialized training which he was inducted into the day he turned thirteen. Sergei's father he found out around this time was in fact a high ranking member within the Russian KGB, and espionage specialist, his father wanting to heir a son to one day take his place began training Sergei to one day be a full member of the KGB. This drove Sergei into a rather deep anger for he wanted to live his life the way he desired in a completely different way, his father however would not hear of his life dreams and went about his own wants and desires forcing Sergei to his bidding. Not able to stand up to his father young Sergei did as he was bade and trained in a specialized program where when he became appropriate age would become a member of the KGB. The training was grueling, everyday was a hell, and for almost six years Sergei endured it all the while his anger growing, his defiance increasing. By his nineteenth birthday Sergei was part of the KGB and had been trained to be an especially deadly asset. Sergei's life beyond this point is rather shrouded by enough black tape that it could cover all of the Kremlin and then some. There are snippets here and there of a man, a ruthless KGB agent who always accomplished his job no matter what he had to do to complete it if it be torture or other various forms of grotesque actions. By the time twenty years had passed by Sergei was a well respected official in Russia and was on the fast track to being quite high in the Russian Government. It was within these years that Sergei took a wife and sired a child into the world, but this alas was not meant to last and due to unknown circumstances they were both murdered and the entire situation was covered up never to see the light of day again and this drove Sergei into a decline. His work slipped, his mind became entangled in anger and resentment and the icing on the cake was the day his father passed away suddenly en cloaking him in darkness and for the first time in his life he was completely alone. After his father death Sergei inherited his father estate along with all his wealth but this alone was not enough to sate the growing sadness in his heart. Around the time Sergei was reaching his mid forties he defected from his country with his amassed wealth and was never seen again in Russia, thought to be dead his disappearance was never investigated and Sergei was free to look for a newer life somewhere else. Sergei eventually found himself within Canada where he would eventually become a citizen and settle down in an excluded estate far away from prying eye's. For the five years up until his current age he has revived the life that he once felt before tragedy struck and has integrated himself into his new home. He has lived a quiet happier life retired from his previous life in his small estate where he just desires to live the rest of his days in blissful peace and serenity. [b]Equipment:[/b] (Items listed are kept with in a black light frame medium size pack on the exception of Shashka which is attached in a sheath to his right hip on his belt) [list][*]2x 75 round 7.62x39mm drums [*]2x 2 liter water bottles [*]2x large bag of beef jerky [*]1x Bottle of Vodka [*]1x box of 9mm para rounds (30 rounds in box) [*]A small strong compact strong box with memorabilia in it [*]1x Box of Russian made cigars (10 in box) [*]1x Lighter[/list] [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://www.outdoorhub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/10/outdoorhub-the-best-aks-under-1000-2015-10-20_18-35-07-800x533.jpg]Zastava N-PAP DF[/url] [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/9mm_Yarygin_pistol_PYa.jpg/300px-9mm_Yarygin_pistol_PYa.jpg]MP-443 Grach[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/97/f2/f1/97f2f1012130e96b39440f099eeaf291.jpg]Shashka[/url] [sub][color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color][/sub]