Nevar's speed was impressive, Nemo quickly turned around but wasn't able to save himself from being cut. A small puff of down feathers expelled themselves out from the sleeve of Nemo's jacket, some stained with a slight tinge of red. A small gash now resided on the middle of his arm. Nemo seemed more upset about the damage done to the jacket than the damage done to himself. If anything the injury only seemed to excite him further. Nemo used the guard of his sword to try to catch Nevar's blade as he initiated his follow up slashes. Simultaneously, Nemo removed his right hand from the handle of the sword and struck out at Nevar's chest with his gloved palm. Now that his limb was unburdened of the weight, his attack was surprisingly quick with enough force behind it to easily crack a average man's rib. Upon coming into contact with Nevar, someone keeping track with manalysis would have noticed something peculiar occur.