[quote=@Scout] Well, if he ever meets Nadya, it's going to be interesting. Lots of Russian. And not to be that guy, but if you want to be totally culturally accurate, his middle name would be Patronymic, which is hard to construct if you don't often use it. If you want, though it's a roleplay so literally nobody cares, I can give it to you if you tell me his father's name. Otherwise Heritage Russians don't have middle names. ^^ Not trying to be haughty, it's just one of those things where I'm like "OH! Yes!! I finally know a thing!" [/quote] I was going to use Vladimirovich but when I was making the name I thought of my one of my favorite characters from a Movie called The Hunt For Red October, then I thought of his death and it made me sad so I made the middle name his first name in honor of his sacrifice to the new world. As he is not Sergei's father it was not appropriate to give him the proper middle name ^^ you are quite right though :)