[quote=@Zugzwang] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Write] Both characters are accepted! I look forward to getting some Atlas-shrugged-tier objectivism from Noel, and for some reason Brennan is reminding me of Lamont Cranston. I also want to commend you for fitting more mecha references into one weapon than I would have thought possible. I'd tell him to shoot for the top with hard work and guts, but then I'd be ignoring all the other spice there. I might ask you to turn the weapon's capabilities down a little: my willingness to accept weird engineering realities only stretches so far, though I do like the concept. I leave fine tuning in your hands. [@Onarax] I really like the idea of changing the fundamental properties of dust with your semblance, and your character is really fun to boot! I look forward to working that into the plot, I've already got loads of ideas you're probably not going to like. Anyways, accepted! If you could tone down the strikethroughs, I think I'd appreciate it, but that's a personal thing and not really necessary. I look forward to seeing [@Krayzikk]'s sheet. [/quote] I appreciate it, but in the interest of full disclosure [@Krayzikk] was the one that came up with the original concept for the suits; I just created the partner unit. You'll see the original when he gets his profile up today, and if you have a mecha boner now, just wait a couple hours.