[quote=@TheEvanCat] I really meant like I'm hypothetically getting shot at or something. Then I'm too busy to complain. [/quote] Oh, I suppose that makes more sense given what we know about you. My bad. [quote=@Rica] [@Cynder] I find that's because it's easier to lie and say you're fine than unpack all the bullshit that's [i]actually[/i] bothering you and risk upsetting the other person/people involved. Especially if they believe they've done nothing wrong to upset you somehow. I lie about how I'm feeling all the time but that's because I really don't have the energy to unpack the fact that my roomies hold me to a higher 'roomie' standard than they do each other. Because they don't see it, I know they don't. So they'll refuse to even conceive they might be doing something wrong. [/quote] I'm the queen about lying about myself. I mostly lie about my problems to not appear weak and not because of other people's involvement. If they ask and they want to get involved, that's their deal. If they don't want to get involved, I don't expect them to. And if they do get involved, then like I said, that's their deal and I can't really stop them.