To both of you, real talk incoming from the dude with a Hello Kitty profile pic: The problem with this is that problems aren't weakness, nor is seeking help or assistance to deal with it. All ignoring it or bottling up does is degrade effectiveness by not addressing core problems. Believe me, I've been there enough to realize that it's better to just rip the bandaid off and deal with shit before it starts getting worse. Bottling it up and lying about it did nothing except get me deeper into shit creek, so I decided to grab the bull by its nuts and get the help to deal with it. If you don't, then you get into impacting personal performance, which gets into organizational/school/work/career performance, and you don't want degraded operational effectiveness. It just spirals like the shittiest roller coaster you can imagine. You need to expect your friends to start helping because they're your battle buddies. And they will, because they give a shit: I guarantee it. They're the guys and gals who will fucking drag your ass out of a burning car or some shit, and your wellbeing (physical, mental, whatever) is more important to them than you might realize. If they'll make you soup or some shit while you're sick and tell you the work you missed that day, then you can know they'll address some of the more lowkey invisible issues (or find someone who can.) But nobody can ask about it if they don't have that intel that lets them know something's wrong. If someone else is bothering you with something, talk to them about it and settle it there instead of accepting it. If you think they won't understand, come through with a well-planned way to make them see your perspective. Most people are rational, they'll understand. If they don't, escalate it higher in a rationally proportional measure. My roommate wouldn't clean his shit so we talked about it and now he does and stops making me do everything. You just have to try. TLDR, it helps to stop cheating yourself and just go over the top. It might take a lot of energy and it might be unpleasant and it might be scary as all fuck, but it will solve (or at least start to solve) whatever's actually causing these problems. They tell me the quickest way out is through, wether it be jumping off of a thirty foot tower into the water (I'm scared shitless of heights, by the way) or something personal like talking to my girlfriend about trust in the relationship. It's scary and it takes huge amounts of effort to do, but it's worth it in the end.