[quote=@Dead Cruiser] I've had my eye on this for a while. How well-explored is the Vampire mob? Honestly, I watched the Godfather again recently, and I want to do something kind of mafia-esque with it. Perhaps at its lower levels it works like the Bratva, a brutal, Slavic gang, but at its higher levels it is more like the Costa Nostra with many customs and rituals, and more Latin/Italian influence. I'm thinking that the center of power for the Vampire mob originated in ancient Rome, and over time moved from Rome to Constantinople, and then to Moscow. [/quote] Glad to read of your interest! The Nyctari were fleshed out more in the sequel games by myself and Rockette, but right now there's plenty of room to play around with their structure and such. In the 90's they split into two gangs (The Nyctari and The Nyte Kings), but as that transformation is yet to happen, you'd be more than welcome to portray the vampiric gangs in a manner you see fit