[b]Perelliator GM post [/b] As three of the Ghosts and the Admiral boarded the dropship, with the Admiral nodding at Crimson in response to his question, the dropship doors closed and the ship lifted off and shot out of the hanger bay, heading toward the appointed meeting point. As they clear the asteroid ring around the orange planet, the dropship pilot calls back over the intercom, "Is it just me, or does that ship look like someone took a bite out of the sector's biggest doughnut?" Naturally since dropships have no windows in the personnel bay, no one is able to validate her observation. Though she does sound impressed as they approach and it is clear how much the new ship outsizes the Perelliator. They make a smooth landing in one of the massive ship's docking bays, and as the dropship's doos open again, Agent Raven activates his cloaking device, opting to stay on the dropship unseen until the party had gone. As the two remaining Ghosts and the Admiral step out onto the polished metal surface of the huge hanger bay, they can see numerous slender...skeletal, in fact...tan robots swarming the place, making it look like a mechanized version of a typical Dominion hanger. Strange walker-looking things hang from the ceiling in places, and here and there are clearly alien beings in robes and funny hats and greenish-brown skin. Near the dropship is the small vessel noted on scans earlier, looking like some sort of alien private limo in space. Approaching from that direction is the elderly human, Count Dooku, from before. Complete in a black tunic, brown cape, and a curved cylinder on his belt...maybe some kind of comm or transponder beacon. Flanking him are two larger steel-colored machines with bulges for heads and small twin-barreled guns on their arms, which point upwards in a safe stand-by position. He walks up to the Admiral, stopping a few feet away. "Admiral Magnus, a pleasure to meet you in person. If you would accompany me, I have a more comfortable setting arranged elsewhere." He gestures off towards the side of the hanger, awaiting the reply. [b]Solar Winds Environmental post [/b]((Gotta give the NPCs some love!)) As the Jedi and the Spartans meet for the first time, they might be able to look around and get a feel for this new ship. Several crewmen rush to and fro, doing checks and maintenance and whatnot on the Pelican Dropships neatly positioned across the hanger. One of the nearby ones can be seen with the number 479 stenciled on the side of it with the pilot doing some work on a panel underneath, taking breaks every thirty seconds to yell at another crewman with a crate nearby. "Not there in front of you, there in front of you! Right there where I'm pointing, come on!" Over on another side of the hanger, a number of marines in forest green battlegear were jogging across the bay, assault rifles held chest high and chanting a quick marching cadence...utterly drowned out by the sergeant in the lead, with Sgt. Lazarus on his nametag for the keen of eye. "Come on, let's go girls, my pappy could sing better than you cheerleaders and he had mandibles! Move it marines!" As they pass the group of Spartans and Jedi, the sergeant gives a quick hand signal to the marine in back, who quickly alters his course to pass near Captain Harbit, jogging on his foot as he did so. "Sergeant's compliments, sir!" He quickly fell back into line with the others as they headed to another part of the bay. "Get moving, Larry, or someone's gonna shoot you again!" All in all, quite the hive of activity.