[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Taylor%20Jason%20Garrick&name=Overdrive_Sunset.ttf&size=100&style_color=496385[/img] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/67445b5db77395cbf7af431dc5803cd7/tumblr_mv09bbU9vV1rtj5q4o1_500.gif[/img] [b]Interaction:[/b] Loki [@BlackPanther] mostly. [b]Location:[/b] The X-Mansion, Basement. [/center] [hr] [hr] Taylor gasped, looking around the basement room. It had took him quite some time to wake up, and to realize that being almost ripped apart by a black panther wasn't one of his strange dreams. He grasped his chest, and looked down to see his red shirt was still ripped apart. The only difference was that the scratches on his chest were now closed, not to mention his bloodied hands now looked like he had just washed them and wiped them down. He tilted his head to the left to see Katherine turn to the Professor with her hands on her hips, "[color=C71585]Might I suggest that we adjourn class for the morning. We have students who are exhausted and injured who need looking after or, at the very least, should be allowed to rest in their rooms[/color]." Taylor rubbed his temple, as he sat up. Loki had also seemed to be awake. Taylor, for a second, wanted to murder Loki by easily crushing his neck, but then calmed himself. It was actually not Loki's fault, his apparent fear of fire had kicked in so badly that it injured Taylor and Loki in the process. Taylor leaned on the wall, as his newly healed wounds were still tender. [color=8793ca]"Loki, you good?"[/color] Taylor asked Loki, but winced a little, rubbing his chest. [color=8793ca]"I also agree on that Loki and I deserve a [b]fucking[/b] break."[/color]