[hider=Morada] [center][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/e27e08249349e1aea43e160b4285354e/tumblr_o4w1erpils1tm0iclo1_1280.png[/img] [h3]Morada[/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Race:[/b] Half-Orc [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*]Great Axe - Morada's pride and joy, the only good thing to come out of her military training in her opinion. It's incredible heavy and requires quite a bit of heft in order to swing. But it's weight comes in handy, making it devastating to be hit by. Some lightweight or unaware enemies can be sent flying by it's force. [*]Javelins - While Morada prefers to get up close and personal with her enemies, she also enjoys a bit of target practice. With enough wind up and preparation Morada can easily throw the javelin 60ft with surprisingly good accuracy. [*]Cloth Armor - Aligning with her nomadic and barbaric childhood Morada refuses to wear any armor, claiming that it gets in the way. She doesn't like how heavy and weighed down she feels in metal armor. [*]Bear Tooth Necklace - A gift from her Tribe's Leader as a way to remind her where her roots are. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b][list] [*]N/A Unless RAGE counts. [/list] [b]Talents[/b][list] [*]Barbarian - In combat Morada can channel her primal anger into her strength, making her hits hit harder while making her harder to hit. The longer she is engaged in combat, or if the battle is particularly dangerous, her rage builds and builds into a deadly frenzy. [*]Survival - Years of living out in the Wilds has made Morada quite the survivalist. She can forage and hunt, track, and create livable shelter with very little man-made supplies. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Morada has a big and intimidating personality to match her big and intimidating exterior. For the most part Morada is quiet and always watching with a scowl on her face. Most people wouldn't assume Morada is a good person, Morada doesn't even think she is a good person. She just follows her orders. Her people, and those who can get to know her, know that she wants what is best for those she calls Friend. She still has trouble understanding the rules of civilized society. She tears into her food without care for manners, snarls and curses at anyone she believes deserves it, and, rarely says please or thank you. Morada often doesn't feel fulfilled or important unless she is in battle. Morada was bred, born, and raised to be a warrior and feels pretty useless in any situation other then combat or hard labor. This feeling of importance only lasts until the battle is over and the rage has no other outlet. [b]Biography:[/b] Morada's origins are murky at best. It's common knowledge that Half-Orcs are born out of...less then favorable outcomes for Human Females. Morada stands as a living warning for women who journey off the mountain passes alone. Thus, Morada never knew her mother, and no man stepped forward to be her father. Once Morada was old enough to feed herself she was left to her own raising. Life in the Orc Tribe was difficult, especially for one like her with 'thinner blood'. Morada learned from an early age that the only thing to keeping herself alive was her fists and her anger. But just as Morada was starting to proove herself to her Tribe tragedy struck. Morada was twelve years old when a troop of Lucumbroian Soldiers was sent in to eradicate the Orc Tribe that had been endangering trade through the mountains. Over half the tribe was either wiped out or scattered. Several members, including Morada, were taken captive. When her captors discovered Morada's age they faced an ethical dilemma, and decided to put her in the custody of a powerful Lapi Sorcerer. The Sorcerer attempted to teach Morada about Magic, hoping to give the girl a better quality of life. But Morada was far too impatient and weak willed to be able to control Lapi. She had also been caught several times trying to escape the Sorcerers home, each attempt getting more and more dangerous. After only a year of living with the young Half-Orc the Sorcerer began to fear for his life, and sent Morada along. Morada was returned to the Human army, where she remained for five years. They figured if she couldn't figure out magic she would be able to figure out combat. With any luck she would be some sort of super soldier. Morada excelled in physical combat, her anger channeling into powerful attacks. But she refused to wear armor, and was poor at taking directions. She still upheld her rebellious Orc Blood. Her rebellious and freedom seeking nature came at an all time high when she was sent with a squadron of soldiers outside the city. The group was sent to the mountains, the very mountains Morada once lived in, to help escort a trade caravan. Morada found this as her opportunity to finally earn her freedom. In the night she slipped away from the group, threatening the man on watch with death if she was followed. It didn't take long for Morada to find her old Tribe, who welcomed her back gladly. She was painted as a hero who went to the Civilized world, and returned to the Wilds. Morada was glad to be home, but something felt different in her. As a Half-Orc she struggled to find where she truly fit in. She didn't feel like she was part of the Civilized world or the Wilds. By the end of her Twenty Second year Morada left her Tribe, unable to resist her urge to find her place. She told her Tribe that she was searching for her true strength, and that she would someday return with it. The Kingdom of Lucumbro was her destination, and this time she was going there of her own free will. Morada settled down in the slums of a city, selling her services as a mercenary and a bodyguard. She doesn't mind the small home she lives in, or the fighting for money. But Morada can't shake the feeling that she was meant for something more. [b]Other:[/b] Morada cannot read or write, this embarrasses her greatly. She's trying to learn but finds it difficult to stay focused on learning. [/hider]