[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/crAlBwD.png[/img] [color=9632cc][h3][i][u]~Eris~[/u][/i][/h3][/color] [@TheWindel] [/center] [color=9632cc]"I see, another one of mom's schemes..."[/color] Eris sighed deeply as she addressed Dana very nonchalantly, now that she knew that this was just another of her mother's ways of looking over her. Frankly, could Eris even complain about being put under the eyes of a [i]'babysitter'[/i], consider how much of a problem child she is? Well, that wasn't even the case here, if Hildr decided so, Eris would comply after all, Eris could be anything but she still put her family in first place. Well, all but her blockhead of a father, but this is another story, entirely. [color=9632cc]"Either way, I just logged out to get something to drink, if you want something out of the kitchen, suit yourself... Dana, right?"[/color] Eris said as she grabbed a cup and filled it with iced tea, taking a couple of big swigs from it before continuing. [color=9632cc]"I should be back online, lest Cassandra begins to worry for my absence. As you can see, we are safe and sound for the time being. Maybe you could go date that girl you mentioned and leave us alone?"[/color] Despite her cool air, Eris was starting to feel a certain unrest from what basically turned out to be, leaving Cassandra hanging around with pretty much nothing to do. Eris just wanted to go back to Deep Ground, leaving Dana to her own devices once more however, she had one final question before doing so. [color=9632cc]"Say it, do I know you from somewhere? Deep Ground, perhaps? You strike me as oddly familiar, but I cannot fathom why."[/color] The platinum-haired German girl fell silent as she waited for Dana's reply, occasionally stealing a few stealthy glances --or so she though-- over the kitchen's counter, to her bedroom whose door laid half open, to check if Cassandra was well, despite such worries being unfounded as Eris knew all too well. [center][h3]* * *[/h3] [@Lord of Evil] | [@Lucius Cypher][/center] Back on the Black City, Argent Maiden's group had just reached their objective in the perimeter of the Ebony Strykers' Sanctuary, still ignoring the presence of the avatar following them from the shadows. [color=c0c0c0]"Citrine Hunter, mark the face and names of any avatars who seem to be in a leading position, our King wants a hit list with any hot names on it. Put that Orange Chatterbox and his merry band as the topmost priority after Moon Rider and Dark Wraith, he seems to have an awful large influence, crushing him to the point he gives up on playing will be very efficient in dismantling the Strykers' forces."[/color] Argent Maiden said to a scout that was positioned over a nearby building, taking screen shots and data of all of the conflict. No doubt this abundance of information, as the involved parties seemed t not even know the meaning of the word restraint, would be beneficial to the cause of whoever was this group's patron, later. [color=c0c0c0]"Now then, since our secondary objective is complete, let's proceed with the main one. Radar Hound, scatter your drones, once you are done we can get out of here."[/color] As their party leader said, the jammer avatar known as Radar Hound, scattered ten spy drones, each about the size of a common house spider and set their programming to latch on the Ebony Stryker's vehicles, where they would lay dormant until further orders were given. While dormant, the drones would be impossible to detect by any conventional means, but couldn't do much other than receive an order to activate their secondary programming. Not some much of an efficient tool, overall but excellent for sly tricks. One had to wonder what in the word these avatars were planning, but this would be left for later as Argent Maiden gave them the order to retreat, which would put the puppeteer avatar right in their path, luckily for him as soon as every member of their advanced party had been reunited, Argent Maiden just drew a [color=662d91][b]<>[/b][/color] and then, they just disappeared in the air, as she yelled the command line. [color=c0c0c0]"TELEPORT, WHITE CITY!"[/color]